Is purple haze really expired-nomore-dead strain?


New Member
i was wondering and if you know where to buy REAL purple haze seeds....i want real purple haze not puple power plant or another purple strain...i want the real!:joint::blsmoke:


Active Member
Marijeanadeed im sorry but i have to say it you need to stop acting gansta...real marijuana cultivators arent gangsta...leave ur fake ass gangsta aditude out of our cultivation

p.s. MJ plants dnt like to get shot up on da block HOMESsss


Well-Known Member
My buddy just harvested a huge purple haze crop if you in SoCal we can do so,me buisness. Hes got mad clones.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if he has anymore seeds I can see whats up but I think for the clones he probably 15-20$


Well-Known Member
i got a relative thats got the real deal had it sinse the 70s so yeah not sorry to say it still exists...

actually looks a lotloke haze but purple even the veins of the leaves are purple tho


Well-Known Member
not purple haze tho

its just purple power.

needs purple leaveas and needs pirple veons and bud :).


Well-Known Member
Marijeanadeed im sorry but i have to say it you need to stop acting gansta...real marijuana cultivators arent gangsta...leave ur fake ass gangsta aditude out of our cultivation

p.s. MJ plants dnt like to get shot up on da block HOMESsss

Yea I agree there are so many "gangstas" on here, it just make you look stupid and 10x harder to read the posts.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but what Ive heard is that its not really a real potent strain but Im not sure, its only what Ive heard.