Is Rand Paul a sellout for endorsing Romney?

Is Rand a sellout?

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Well-Known Member
"We had a lot of insiders with us, people from as far back as Goldwater. We elected an 80 year old woman to our electoral college that was a delegate for him. People said she sold her soul to the devil to join us. It was amazing the age groups that participated in all the meetings and sub meetings and how it worked out. We didn't know our real numbers till day 2, by then it was obvious. We had them lookin up CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, ANTI-TSA, Agenda 21 ect.. because it was coming from almost every district in resolutions, speeches and platform. The majority of us did it right though, by going in humble, injecting issues and not people, it is very hard to argue with reason, we were able to sway people over. Even when we were treated bad, by not stooping to their level we bring more to our side by example. We Should be Proud, this is only another chapter since '08."

Ron Paul delegate