is something wrong ???



i have two of the same plants as u can see one leaves look way different then other is there something with one plant


Looks like the same plant, probably has 2 pheno types, fruity thai has 2 phenos that look like that.

anyway your plants are fine looks like one is just a little genetically weaker, try giving it some nutes like silca blast & cal-mag, these make plants withstand almost anything thrown at them.

Other possibility is did you recently transplant this plant? after transplant ive seen leaves sag especially if the roots were damaged at all during transplant, also if this is a morning shot when plants are cold they will sag


i think it was in the afternoon and i water them with miracle grow one every two weeks or so and i planted them at the same time the one that looks saggy on the left sprouted first and in bigger then the right one by 5 or something inches and it used to look like the one on the right the older leavs on it look like the one on the right but the new was look saggy i just tough something was wrong maybe the one on the right will look like that when it reaches the same height as the one on the left hopefully