Is there a guerrilla growing equipment checklist?


Active Member
Plan to grow outdoors next year, will hopefully have the basics of growing down by then. I want to know if there is a checklist of things you would NEED and might WANT to have.

I have woods on either side of my neighborhood (no pines). One side has a lake, but has a trial people commonly use to get from one set of apartments to a different one. I am not talking about single apartment complexes. I mean the first set of apartments are entirely different than the other ones. The trail is like a 1 mile long, and police occasionally pass through there as they get calls from "concerned" people (aka snitches). On the other side, there is a creek and NO ONE ever goes back there. If you were to be right in the middle of these woods, you would be 1-2 miles away from either the back of a neighborhood or a road (just to show these are not small backdoor woods). To enter the woods from the neighborhood, you have to go down a really steep hill which is now overgrown with plants and what not. I have noticed that whenever it rains (really rains) the creek gets flooded and even overfills. Would this be a good place to grow? Obviously I wouldn't grown directly near the bank of the creek, but further inland.

I have seen and read guides on how to guerilla grow, but never seen a checklist/item list. I would prefer to be prepared, rather than go along and find out what I need and have to rush to get something.


Virtually Unknown Member
keep a watch on how many kids in the neighborhood. those little buggers go everywhere and they know what pot plants look like.


Active Member
keep a watch on how many kids in the neighborhood. those little buggers go everywhere and they know what pot plants look like.
The new generation of kids in my neighborhood don't even go outside. The streets are always empty. And when they are outside, they just go to their friend's houses. Only way I know about these other side of the woods is because I used to commonly go there with my friends, but they have all either moved or lost interest in going in woods a LONG time ago lol. I would expect there to be that ONE kid who does venture into the woods, but I wouldn't expect him to go as far as I plan to grow. The creek splits out the beginning of the woods with the rest fairly quickly, and there are only a few ways to get across without actually going into it and wading in the water lol. A kid would need to go down 35-50 feet of a steep hill where there is no trial and it is trial and error, then cross the creek? I don't think so lol.


Well-Known Member
Ha when I was a kid we covered every square inch of the woods in a local state park which back then very few people visited compared to today. Including one day we walked over 2 miles down a creek in the water. And there was a steep hill we used to jump off about 15 feet down we would land on a sand incline and roll another 20ft down. Lol, kids need to get out and do shit like that more nowadays. Good luck with your outdoor, I'm already starting to plan for next years outdoor season :)


Active Member
This makes me recall 20 some odd years ago. Fields, trails, and BB guns. In summer we only went home to eat. Those were the days. Kids seem to be such pussies these days.


Well-Known Member
You only really need to pack stuff in on your first trip unless you're hauling soil. Try to take all other supplies in one go. Shovel, ferts, get your ground prepped. Easy ways to hide ferts on site. Large flat rock around? Dig a hole. Throw that sucker on top of it. Stash everything else in there.
The new generation of kids in my neighborhood don't even go outside. The streets are always empty.
Hey Billy you wanna go ride bikes down the trail? No man lets play GTA and Halo. Then I've gotta grind these raids cause Blizzard is now releasing new dungeons every month or so. The new purps totally blow everything I have from last months new raid out of the water. I swear to god I've hated this game since BC was released! Stoopid Alli keep steamrolling us now cause those losers play 24/7.
But yeah man kids are lazy nowadays. It's kind of a blessing for some of us.


Active Member
You only really need to pack stuff in on your first trip unless you're hauling soil. Try to take all other supplies in one go. Shovel, ferts, get your ground prepped. Easy ways to hide ferts on site. Large flat rock around? Dig a hole. Throw that sucker on top of it. Stash everything else in there.

Hey Billy you wanna go ride bikes down the trail? No man lets play GTA and Halo. Then I've gotta grind these raids cause Blizzard is now releasing new dungeons every month or so. The new purps totally blow everything I have from last months new raid out of the water. I swear to god I've hated this game since BC was released! Stoopid Alli keep steamrolling us now cause those losers play 24/7.
But yeah man kids are lazy nowadays. It's kind of a blessing for some of us.
I'm more or less looking for the ultimate "kit/backpack". Like I know I would need an all around weatherproof backpack with fold-able gardening tools, nutes, ferts, etc. But I would like suggestions like a water pump, to get water from the creek. Small things that would be REALLY useful. The flat rock idea would be useful.

Boots, camo pants, and long sleeves are musts lol. Last time I was in those woods when I was 14, I remember just being with a couple of friends and we had just finished going down the steep hill. I had just slipped and gotten my knee covered in dirt and was trying to laugh it off to not look so much of a fool, my friend's stopped immediately and pointed to the ground I was about to step on. I looked at the ground and saw a 6 foot black snake slither away. We were all just shocked and just watched the leaves rustle around as it moved (couldn't see it anymore under the leaves). We heard it splash right into the creek and we raced back up the hill covered in dirt as we all slipped trying to get back up. Great times.... lol


Well-Known Member
Well get yourself some atacs fg, danners, and an eberlestock pack and you will be ready to hike and hide with all your gardening tools all day long!


Well-Known Member
+1 on that eberlestock pack. They are nice if you have to extra money for a nice pack. A nice budget pack cfp-90 with the assault pack is a nice option. I got one for about 120$. Rei flexlite chairs are amazing and super lite if you don't like to sit on logs. I guess it all depends on how far you have to teavel and how long you are gonna be out in the woods. Longest I have been in the woods camping is 8 days and we traveled well over 50 miles and over 10 of those miles were portaged.


Browndirtwarrior goes over some of his equipment he uses in this video:

Some of the less obvious things I noticed were the bear spray... I'm glad he brought that up, I live in bear country myself. Also the utility knife. I'd recommend going over all of his videos in the series, it's his master grow guide and he covers everything he does very thoroughly to produce some pretty awesome plants.

If you don't feel like putting in the effort to watch all the videos and make your own list, I've made my own. Here it is.

voodoo juice (bacteria)
heavy harvest spring/summer/fall
epsom salts
final phase (flush)
pulverized rapid lime

repellents :
moth balls
bar soap
Safer 3 in 1
copper scrub pads/copper slug tape
cayenne pepper/garlic/soap homebrewed bug spray
deer repellant
chicken wire

utility knife
bug spray
bear spray
plastic ties (not cotton/string)
contractor bags
sunshine mix 1 / promix hp mycrorhizae
bamboo stakes
5/6 gal water container

Obviously I don't plan on taking all of that with me every time I go out...