is there a market for grow box's?


Active Member
i have this idea that instead of growing pot and selling it i will just design and build stealth grow boxs of all kinds... i was just wondering if there is a big market of inexperianced builders who would rather wait 5 days for postage then spend weeks researching, designing and building ?
products will range from chest of drawers to pc cases all things stealth and hand built with stealth in mind ..


yea there is a market, northern lights bc does metal cabinets that are way overpriced and hydro hut had a good following then had a bad batch that were killing plants.
Dark room is a higher quality, check craigs list people have premade units they are trying to sell. Just keep in mind what is gonna set you apart from the others. Goodluck.


Active Member
just sell the planes on how to make ur own...3$ for an instruction manual...people ask what to do and how to do it all the time


Active Member
basicly most of the ones on ebay built by big companys there hardly stealth i can guarentee ultimate stealth .. and cheeper prices once i get building ill be sure to show some pics of my work iv built loads of boxes now in diffrent kinds of furniture for friends, but i cant grow myself as i am not in my own place .
shipping is gonna kill you though.. Gonna be hella hard to make a proffit when ppl have to pay 100$ for shipping. Most will just build one themselves instead. Except those rich mofos that have more $ than time.

violator kush

Active Member
i had that idea too, looked into it but idk u need some hook ups on lighting and raw mat. but if u could get on the low, u can make money


if you can get materials for cheap and there is enough local demand your golden.
you might wanna get involved with a local horticultural club or reptiles club, basically expand your market.
you can make fliers and put them up in markets, conventions and public place.
its perfectly legal just stick to that dont grow or hold large personal stash cuz if you start getting popular you want to be clean if the fuzz starts sniffing.
spoke to a guy on craigslist he been selling grow boxes whole systems and partial systems for 4 years. seems it involves alot of marketing to right people. alway keeping eyes peeled for deals on materials. most important to stand out from the others try to use imaginative stealth boxes like mini fridge and and nightstands and even aquarium stands.
if you are already building them then you have to explore the possibilities.
keep prices as low as possible and use creative marketing once your established and create a buzz in your area you can start raising prices. but in the beginning its gonna be more for the love of it keep that in mind and you might have a good bussiness plan.

:leaf: Philo :leaf:

(this is my first post by the way!):weed: