is there anybody under age 30 on here ?

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They trying to get on this level of communication..... But they are all sitting home listening to there daughters problems while im out screwing there daughters
your hand is not someone's daughter, and your step dad doesn't let you borrow his car, so unless moms gives you a ride to the mall, your in your room trying to figure out how to pop that zit on your lip.
Says the guy with 4,000 posts lmao. Go outside. And lmao you joined in 2012? Dude go outside please. Your insecurities are killing me
yep, Been growing weed a long time, something you wouldn't know anything about, That's right, i joined when you were still in diapers
Last time i checked most teens today have there license before age 18. You're not making any sense. Go and warn your daughter man... im coming for her.
yea, I'll Warn my daughter your coming
the only one mad is the douchenozzle starting new threads every day crying about all his problems
Oh really the last time I cried out my problems was like what a month ago if you're gonna say something back make sure it makes sense before you
Gonna see you at 7 am tomorrow and show you my MID life crisis
Okay come to the store and see if I don't totally ignore you I Told you before I'm not fighting a 40 yr old so show up at the store trying to fight me you will meet my problem solver.
Oh really the last time I cried out my problems was like what a month ago if you're gonna say something back make sure it makes sense before you

Okay come to the store and see if I don't totally ignore you I Told you before I'm not fighting a 40 yr old so show up at the store trying to fight me you will meet my problem solver.
Hate all you want it gets me my QP and gives me a supply till my next harvest which is all i care about. So hop off. First i didn't know how to grow and now you except that i have a grow? You're a idiot.
I didn't Accept shit, I am Asking for you to PLEASE post up a video of your SUPPOSED grow, UM HAHA BOX.
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