Is there anything you dont like about pot?


Well-Known Member
it burns to fast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
the only compaint i have is that the smell sticks to cloths like crazy especailly when u go to a closed area and everyone can smell it but u since ur high

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
I hate the feeling of it wearing off. Also as someone else mentioned, I hate smoking on a downbuzz. I don't get the same effect. It's like the high without the happy.


Active Member
i hate the feeling i get after i smoke all day.
i can smoke a couple grams and feel great. then the more i smoke after, i feel like im at the same, slow state of mind and it's like im not getting any higher.


Well-Known Member
I've had some pretty terrible withdrawals from things (anti-depressants, mostly)... makes coming off of weed look like a cakewalk. Weed 'withdrawals' are a bit of a pain in the ass... but they don't keep you from functioning. Yeah, I get a bit cranky and maybe a little down... feel kinda icky... but after two days of that, I'm back to normal. Easiest thing in the world.


New Member
I hate the resin ring that develops around the bong, which reminds me of the tar going into my lungs

haha +rep for that... i wish i could take a metal rod and scrape my lungs hahah

i also hate how u can buy a top shelf strain it looks and smells dank as hell but taste horrible that bugs...pretty much weed that doesnt taste good bugs me i dont care how good it is


Well-Known Member
Great question. The two things I hate most about pot is that depending on the strain it can steal my motivation. The other thing I hate is that it stays in your system for about a month. Can make applying for certain jobs a major pain in the ass. I say unless you're operating heavy machinery or an air traffic controller or something, drug testing should be off limits.