is there something wrong here?


Well-Known Member
i understood everything but....

let it go for a week or 2 more then flush with about 6 gallons of water and leave it for 2 or three more weeks under the flowering light.

Are you telling me to drown them in 6 gallons of water and then to ignore them for 2-3 weeks? (in two weeks)


Well-Known Member
also those leaves that are brown at the bottom dont get enough light thats normal. just use your hand and gently pull them off


Well-Known Member
yea its not really drowning when you flush you take the plant and let say move it to the kitchen sink you take six gallons of water and poor it through the soil. after you do that you obv have to let it drain so poor slow and wait till everything drains through. This usually takes about 15 minutes. what that does is it removes all the ferts that are still in the soil making the smoke alot alot cleaner and smoother. the plant can got for 2 or 3 weeks more after the flush cause it stores food in its roots and stem and also in the fan leaves. the plant will use its internal food up and when harvested and cured properly the smoke will be perfect.


Well-Known Member
oh forgot to say after you flush you should water normally the plant still needs water you are just flushing the chemicals out. and the last week of flowering so say week 10 you should stop watering it and harvest week 11. The trichomes will be tip top if the plant dries out at the roots for a week before harvest. Get that.


Well-Known Member
thank you,


I am gonna keep loving it for a another week or so, and then the LAST step I take is....

flush (like you just described)

then stick back into the grow box for a week untouched (not watered or anything)

then harvest (and cure and blah blah)


Well-Known Member
ah ya just answered my question, i sent you a private message with my yahoo if you wanna chat there.


Active Member
While flushing never hurts, it sounds to me like you've got a N deficiency, not a toxicity. Purple petioles (fan leaf stems) is often a sign of P deficiency, which would also make sense in a flowering plant.
If the pH is within range, I'd feed them.

Purple to red striping in the stems is most often genetic.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I'm 100% sure that if you still have that many white pistils and stems that are so dark purple that you are running short on phosphorous. If you are between weeks 5-6 we call that week 5. Your nute levels should be at their maximum and only beginning to drop off as you enter week 6. Everything vertise is saying is right but not this early in flower. Your buds look like they have a lot of growing to do and you are depriving them of food at the most critical point. I flush my plants until almost all fan leaves are yellow/purple/black and dead but these color changes don't happen until the buds are much more developed than yours are. In week 5 my plants are still very green and healthy. No purple stems, they hurt my eyes.


Well-Known Member
do you think im just not using the food enough, or should i go out and buy some special phospherous feed? I use pretty decent food...but I suppose im not using it enough. I was always afraid of burning them.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Do you know the N-P-K of the food? Nutes that are specifically for bloom will be very low in nitrogen(N) and high in phosphorous(P) and potassium(K) so it is a lot harder to burn them than with veg nutes although still very possible.