is this a cal def?


Well-Known Member
Yer, mainly calcium deficiency shows purple stems as in this wicked chart where calcium deficiency is on the left and mag deficiency is on the right-
View attachment 1722058

I wouldnt say you had either but possible. What details can you give about the grow, ferts water pot siize and anything else. Peace


Active Member
its at 6 gallon pot.using hesi nutes,revive and started some big bud today.water ro filtered with 6.8 ph.added dolomit lime 2-3 weeks ago top of the soil.but not sure working.also gave some epsom salt 3 days ago and keep giving it foliar for 2 days.dont know about the dirts..thanks for the answer

ı read that epsom salts can fix cal def it?


Well-Known Member
No epsom salts dose not have any calcium in it, it is magnesium sulphate, no calcium involved so epsom salts cannot cure a calcium deficiency only a magnesium deficiency. Dosen't the revive have a decent amount of cal/mag in it? Thoght it could cure cal/mag deficiencies but cant quite remember its full ingredients.

Still i didnt think you had a cal/mag deficiency judging by those pictures above. Peace


New Member
:hump:Looks more like mites too me......actually pretty certain you have spidermites.......cause thats not a cal or mg issue......


Well-Known Member
Yer in a way but didnt want to say, if it is mites/thrips or somthinng else pest like it looks bad already. Peace


Active Member
sorry for late reply kingrow..revive has %1 nitrogen %1 calcium %0.5 magnesium %0.3 chelated iron used it for a while ı guess helping but not fixing any major problems.had mite issues at veg..using neem oil for it.ı thought send away black dots under the leaf or anywhere now.but ı dont know much about any other insects if its.also leaves start to got more droopy today.dying slowly ı think.


Well-Known Member
Yer revive is good but if you not got cal/mag or iron deficiency it is not needed generally although shouldnt do any harm in small amounts.

Plants probably look good except the mite damage then. Peace