Is this a deficiency? Nutrient burn?


Well-Known Member
My Frisian Dew is generally pretty happy but there are some minor signs of a deficiency going on. Trying to dial it in and figure out what changes to make.

It's in soil and it's being fed with some pretty standard organic fertilizer pellets (3-1-2). Supplemented with cal mag during watering. PH'ed water to 6.5-7.0.

Mostly showing signs on lower leaves. But there's also slight discolouration on newer foliage, but it's happening so slowly and to such a mild degree that I think it might resolve itself. I will attach 2 photos of the lower leaves and 1 photo of the top of the plant.

Lowest leaf:


Middle of canopy leaf:



IMO its a heavy feeder plant on a low cal diet.

Those crispy tips look like nute burn to me.

I think you're both right. I think the signs of deficiency are from before I started feeding her properly and PH'ing my water. (I use organic pellets so they take some time to kick in)

I think the signs of nute burn are from after I did all those things and I might have overdone the feeding a tiny bit.

If you're right, I would need to stop adding pellets for now and see how it goes.

Thanks for the input!
Just bumping with a very yellow leaf from today. From the bottom of the plant. 90% of the foliage seems fine, but there are a couple of leaves that show deficiencies/nute burn.

Any change in diagnosis?

Just bumping with a very yellow leaf from today. From the bottom of the plant. 90% of the foliage seems fine, but there are a couple of leaves that show deficiencies/nute burn.

Any change in diagnosis?

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That's not nute burn. Is it burning new growth. No. New growth is yellowing. Right. Plant yellowing from bottom up is your the big 3 or 4 mobile nutrients- N P K & Ca. Your calcium looks fine though.
3 1 2 is literally starving your plant. Up the frequency of feeds, or strength or get something with higher numbers.
You could change nothing and just let the plant feed off those leaves. Just would have a smaller yield.
That's not nute burn. Is it burning new growth. No. New growth is yellowing. Right. Plant yellowing from bottom up is your the big 3 or 4 mobile nutrients- N P K & Ca. Your calcium looks fine though.
3 1 2 is literally starving your plant. Up the frequency of feeds, or strength or get something with higher numbers.
You could change nothing and just let the plant feed off those leaves. Just would have a smaller yield.

I hope you're right. I'll try watering with nutrients tomorrow just to top it off, on top of the organics. But people say you can use tomato feed for cannabis, 3 1 2 should be fine, right? It's just the amount of pellets I need to increase? Or am I missing something?
What is your runoff ppm?

I have no way of knowing. I guess that's something I should consider investing in. Never used TDS/PPM meters before. But to be fair I've always just used liquid nutrients, with a simple chart to follow. Organic nutrient top dressings are harder to be accurate with
That's not nute burn. Is it burning new growth. No. New growth is yellowing. Right. Plant yellowing from bottom up is your the big 3 or 4 mobile nutrients- N P K & Ca. Your calcium looks fine though.
3 1 2 is literally starving your plant. Up the frequency of feeds, or strength or get something with higher numbers.
You could change nothing and just let the plant feed off those leaves. Just would have a smaller yield.

Sorry to bump yet again, just thought I'd take some better pictures today and see if you still think it's a simple deficiency. I watered today with half-strength liquid nutrients. I hope this doesn't fuck my soil microbials too much. It's weird because none of my other plants show this deficiency. I'll attach a couple of photos of the suffering plant and all the others next to it.






Last picture is Frisian Dew (Problem plant) in the front, 2 Frisian Ducks behind it and a Sweet Tooth Auto to the right. None of them are suffering like this one, no idea why. Do you think it's because it's a hungry girl and the others aren't?
She looks great. Much better than Id expect from just the leaf pictures. Shes not too under fed from whole plant pictures. Just dont want the yellowing progressing upwards with negative impact to the growing too and tips. The fan leaves low and on the main stem will eventually on their own yellow and die as they get old and or shaded out in full term plants with best nutrition.
Nothing to be alarmed about. We call the ducks foot "web" in Hawaii. Yours looks great. Just stay observant as you have been.
She looks great. Much better than Id expect from just the leaf pictures. Shes not too under fed from whole plant pictures. Just dont want the yellowing progressing upwards with negative impact to the growing too and tips. The fan leaves low and on the main stem will eventually on their own yellow and die as they get old and or shaded out in full term plants with best nutrition.
Nothing to be alarmed about. We call the ducks foot "web" in Hawaii. Yours looks great. Just stay observant as you have been.

Gotcha, thanks a lot! I guess maybe just a tiny bit underfed, and not critically underfed? Thanks for the input. Gave me some peace of mind.

I have no idea if it's rootbound. I'd be surprised. It's not THAT big of a plant yet, both of the Frisian ducks are in smaller containers and they're trucking along.

Next year I plan on growing in much smaller containers because these plants are growing way larger than I can manage. I will end up having to hide them somewhere on the property and I will end up with a much larger harvest than I can ever possibly use by myself. Might go with 3-gallon pots next year, or so.

Thanks again:D
I'm just bumping this thread since I keep having issues. Dunno if I should have made a new thread or not.

Frisian Dew: Looks like a deficiency, still N?


Sweet Tooth Auto bud, I have no idea what I'm looking at.
