Is this a good indoor setup?

I am hoping to grow 9 plants. I was thinking of getting a 1000 watt metal halide bulb for veg and a 1000 watt hps for flowering. i also want to hang 2 400 watt hps bulbs in between the plants during flowering in an attempt to yield more. I will be growing in fox farm ocean forest soil and using fox farm nutes. Using grow big for veg and big bloom for flower. I KNOW EVERYONE HATES THIS NEXT QUESTION BUT how much could i expect to yield being a first timer?
forreal? ur one of the first people ive heard say fox farm sucked but man that makes me nervous now lol fuuuuck what other type of nutes you recommend?


Well-Known Member
i use earth juice, works great and its all organic. adjusts the ph to ~6 after a good bubbling. Whats the size of your room ur guna be putting off madd heat with all those lights. Think ude be just fine with just the 2 400watts or the 1000 on their own. Maybe do the 2 400ws veg and 1000 flower but idk its just my 2cents on this.
i use earth juice, works great and its all organic. adjusts the ph to ~6 after a good bubbling. Whats the size of your room ur guna be putting off madd heat with all those lights. Think ude be just fine with just the 2 400watts or the 1000 on their own. Maybe do the 2 400ws veg and 1000 flower but idk its just my 2cents on this.
yea true ive been lookin around on this site alot and ppl are kinda saying that more light is better. What im tryin to do is dedicate one bedroom to the plants and im hoping that would be anough space for the 9 plants. I will have a couple fans in there blowing around as well as the ac unit thats already there. Im really just trying to get my hopes up as much as possible while still being realistic lol