is this a hermie?


Active Member
So I'm on week 7 of flowering and I noticed this sack growing. It doesn't look like it should be there. Lmk what u guys think?20120825_133138.jpg20120825_133131.jpg20120825_133123.jpg


Active Member
Nope, there's a seed inside that pod bro. Look under the buds in the lower nodes to see if you have any male parts. Should have some "nanners" somewhere to have pollinated your girl. They look like little bananas, that when open release pollen. Maybe a closer look might confirm but I'm fairly certain that's a seed bro. You'll be sure in the next week or so when/if that seed(or false seed pod) turns brown(or not). By this point you should be fine though because if it was a true herm they would be everywhere and it doesn't seem to be that case so just chop her down in a week or 2(or 3) and you should still have some good ganja.

george xxx

Active Member
Possible many do not reply because its hard to tell what is or is not there because of all the wierd colors in the pictures. :?: Looks like a phone pic
Could be monoecious; not many folks are aware of the difference between a hermaphrodite and monoecious plants. True hermies have both male and female reproductive organs on the same flower, where as monoecious plants have flowers that have individual flowers with only male and female reproductive organs on individual flowers. I had a monoecious plant once; I cut the male flowers off. If the thing pops two little thread looking things out of it (pistils), you're okay. But as the previous poster stated, if you get bananas or what appear to be grape like clusters, not so great news; you got ya some stamens (boy parts). If it does nothing, false seed pod; no worries. Had a bit to drink so double check my info.


bud bootlegger
sure looks to be a hermie to me m8.. hate to say it, but that's what i think it is... in that second pix i can surely see what looks like male sacs.. :(

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
There is definitely a seed inside of that. I would carefully check the entire plant for male sacks. look carefully