Is This a Sign of Nute Burn or Bugs?


Well-Known Member
It's definitely an insect causing it. Probably a caterpillar of some sort, cutworm, cabbageworm. They like to eat when the lights are off. Go in with a flashlight during your dark time and remove them by hand, because it's usually just a few. Not a huge huge problem, seems like I get it about once per grow and they go away later in veg/flowering. Not really an infestation in the literal sense, but annoying still.


Well-Known Member
Looks like something clipped your plant awhile back the plant looks fine. Does not look like bugs to me.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely an insect causing it. Probably a caterpillar of some sort, cutworm, cabbageworm. They like to eat when the lights are off. Go in with a flashlight during your dark time and remove them by hand, because it's usually just a few. Not a huge huge problem, seems like I get it about once per grow and they go away later in veg/flowering. Not really an infestation in the literal sense, but annoying still.
If it was a bug or caterpillar it would have a lot more damage than that, also if you look closely you can see a tear in the middle of the leaf and most bugs and all caterpillars eat from outside in.


Well-Known Member
If it was clipped it would be torn, but if you look closer, there's missing plant matter, if it was snagged on something you wouldn't likely lose a piece like that.


Well-Known Member
If it was clipped it would be torn, but if you look closer, there's missing plant matter, if it was snagged on something you wouldn't likely lose a piece like that.
Maybe it is an old wound that is growing bigger as the leaf grows. I do not see chew marks.


Active Member
Yea I didnt suspect it as being a bug either ... I am going 24hrs with the lights as well .... maybe I pulled on her when too hard ? I did notice this on my Exodus Cheese as well . Did find a flying ant above the plant hanging out in the heat 2 days ago but none sibce.. I took its life , was threating my baby. Def not a termite. Must have gotten in the front door. Thanks everyone ... Also check out my new post if you can and I will start my 2nd grow and try my best to impress ... Just posted it a few hours ago and wanted to start tonight... I have been getting good germ times with my heating pad setup I got going.


Active Member
And if it were bugs wouldnt the problem spread eventually ??? I did notice this on my first current grow early on but it at random times


Well-Known Member
As I said, I get it occasionally during early veg, but it's something that you're going to notice right away when you only have few plants, especially if you're truely interested in growing, you spend time gazing at it and studying every inch of each plant. So when I see abnormalities I trust that I'm seeing it very early on. And if you're 24 hours or not, it's not going to stop hungry bugs.

If it is a caterpillar, you won't see it spread because cats aren't breeding in your cannabis environment(certain species), they're just eating, so you don't always get an infestation like you would with thrips, mites, ants ,etc.

Hey, maybe it is a snag, in which case, why post about it? I wouldn't post about a snag if i thought it was a snag, so he's obviously not 100% sure, and these DO look like bites to me.


Active Member
well I havent seen anymore bites or snags since then but thanks anyway ... And I wouldnt post about a snag ... I thought I was having a bug problem and wanted some expert advice. So maybe a catplr but that mofo is long gone