is this a sign of spider mites?

Hey everyone im very new here, but i have been reading and lurking around the forum for a few months now.

Anyway im having some problems with my plant, the bottom leaves are going yellow and alot of my leaves are getting little yellow speckles on them.
Sorry for the bad photo.

Ive had alot of gnat flys in my grow room but i managed to kill them all by spraying them with alcohol and water mixed with detergent.

Any help would be great!


btw the speckles in this photo only show on the 2 far left leaves, but it has since gotten worse and spread to more leaves.
could this be nute burn? or spide mites? or something else?
i know this is another bad photo, its a zoom shot which cut out the glare of the flash, but can u notice the little spots on my leaves, there is a considerable amount of them on my leaves, they look like small indents in the leaves and i do have some yellowing on other leaves. is it possible that its moisture burns from tiny water particals getting on the leaves while i was spraying the gnat flies in my grow room?

Can anyone give me info help etc?


Well-Known Member
that could be mites. check the undersides of the leaves. if it's mites you should see them, webs, or their poo. if you don't see anything it may be thrips.
i checked all the leaves, theres no webs or poo or any mites.
but i do have the odd little white tiny tiny little thing that walks around the black edges of the pot.


Well-Known Member
If it's just one little odd thing just squish it and be done with it. Spider mites will be crawling on the leaves of your plant and make your leaves rough if you rub them between your fingers from the way they eat away at the leaves.

I can't see anything from the picture that makes me think mites, but they could be too small to see on the picture you provided.
yea its just the odd little white thing, ive never see them crawling on the plant before, ive only seen gnat flies land on the plant, but ive killed all of them a week ago.
Also the little white things i spray with 100ml of 190 proof alcohol, 100ml of water and a few mills of detergent and that keeps anything that gets in my room under control, it kills any sort of insect.

i have one spot where i did infact burn the plant from a large droplet of water, but ive made sure not to get any spray or water on the leaves again.
i think i could have these little fellas Hypoaspis miles, because the white things walk slowly, only dwell in the top inche and i havnt ever seen one of them on the plant itself and ive got all day every day to look at them.
so maybe it was just some nute and water burn?


Active Member
from what it looks like, if its tiny spots through out the leaves on the plant could be spray burn from spraying the plant, i have it on my leaves atm from when i use to foliage feed from time to time, i would wait till the last 20 mins of the light cycle and still got it. didnt want to spray when lights went off cause of the increase of humidity and it being dark causes mold from my understanding. if it continues to show on the new growth could be nute burn or bugs. best bet is to get a good scope or maginfy glass. my wife told me this recipe for good gnat control stuff. take a small dish or bowl, take some lemon juice or any type of real juice, pour that in the dish, take your dish soap add a few drops of it, then fill it up withsome water, and sit down by your plants within a cpl days or so you will barely notice gnats, your water will start too look like theres pepper floating in it. it works, i use it all the time, and it seems to me that soil has more of an issuse with gnats.
cheers for the help guys :), hopefully nothing eventuates from it and its just water and nute burn.
Also i will give that a try with the gnat flies drufiss :)


Well-Known Member
i checked all the leaves, theres no webs or poo or any mites.
but i do have the odd little white tiny tiny little thing that walks around the black edges of the pot.

sounds like thrips.
they do minimal damage but should be controlled. i use pyrethum foggers.
yea ive only just noticed today that i have thrips, although i have looked many times at my plants, i noticed many thrips coming from the soil and jumping about, very fast little critters.
if i add some pyrethrum to my water will it harm my plants? its only 3rd week into veg, i plan on atleast another week minimum
well i mixed up a 1/4 normal dose as the stuff i have is commercial pest control stuff, sprayed it on the soil, pot and around the floor of my cabinet, everything died in about a minute, not a single gnat fly or anything crawling in my pot at all, the bonus is that its a 7 day release stuff so if anything lands or decides to surface in the next week its going to die.

thanks for all the pointers and information to everyone!
if they manage to come back from this i will be suprised, but thank you for your suggestions and help +rep :).
My mums partner from 15 years ago was a pest control fella, and the old lady left me the house so ive got a shed full of poisons.
Ive got chlordane if anyone can remember what it is? was banned in the 80s, im too afraid to even touch the stuff.