Is this ladies' day? (gender help pics)


Active Member
First of all, let me thank everyone here who ever posted anything. I have learned a ton from journals, pics, questions - EVERYTHING as I have lurked for a few months here. I have been trying to get started (totally killed my first "crop" in January) and I'll start a journal soon with lots more details and some pics I have been taking. My mistakes could fill a book.

One thing I'll say for now to other newbs: Get a digital pH meter. Don't ignore this advice no matter what else you try to get away with.

But for now I just would like to get some help sexing a couple ladies (I hope). They have female names already. :lol:

My camera sucks, so these pics were actually taken through a huge magnifying glass, then I snipped out the hi-res pieces that I hope show female preflowers. I'm attaching these as thumbnails. If I screw up be patient and I'll edit...

Both plants were planted from bagseed 23 days ago. They are both recovering from getting down to below 6.0 pH., and the smaller of the two also had to be repotted very early due to soil compaction.

But anyway, the first three are Betty. She is still small but has recovered nicely the last few days and has started to zoom in growth.

The last two pics are Charlene. She has been an awesome grower from the start, even through a 5.5 pH and LST/fan leaf snipping experimentation. Nothing can stop her. She was about 6 inches tall within a week and I've been pulling for her to be a her VERY hard. I only LST'd her for practice, waiting for Betty to catch up so they can flower together. Unless I'm mistaken, they are both showing female preflowers that I noticed last night.

Thanks in advance for replies, and thanks again to everyone here. Awesome community. More soon.

Edit: that yellow twist tie you see in the last pic is not part of the LST - it was just there for a moment for sunlight exposure for the pic. I do know not to tie down across the leaves!



New Member
its impossible to tell from those pics, theres not enough focus around the nodes, get closer and use the macro function and then if there is any way of telling i will tell ya