Is this Master Kush?


Well-Known Member
My buddy gave me this clone he said it is Master Kush. This is what she looked like when I brought her home.Judy-7-31-10-3.jpg I am not very experienced in Canni genitics and so I am hoping for some input.
She is short and bushy as hell. :-?My other grow was much taller at this age.
She has been with me for 17 days and I can't believe the quantity of leaves and yet very little stretch. I am using the same MG potting soil as last time but twice the lights (900 watts) just inches away. She gets 18 hours light a day:weed: and stays between 68 (at night) and 80 at the hottest part of the day. I water her about every 6 days as her soil gets dry on top and her pot feel light. S has anyone had Master Kush before and is this normal for that???

Thanks in advance for your input.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell you for sure if that's master kush or not but I can tell you that you don't need 900 watts of power at this stage in your grow. You could get away with 20% of that & step it up to about 30-33% for flowering. The plant can't even use all that light, it can only soak up about 200 watts/square foot. Save yourself some $ on your electric bill & reduce your power or, better yet, start more plants. :)