Is this plant alright??????


Active Member
Whats good errbody?
Recently adopted this marijuana plant from a buddy. Its lstd somewhat and its growing in a hempy bucket. Its been begging for about 5 weeks or so. There are about 5 different cfls soft white and daylight mor than 100 watts of light inside and it looks like its growing nicely. Using general hydroponics bloom flora and micro and going to add organic molasses and a 150 watt hps for flowering.
I'm not sure if this is normal or what exactly but some of the leaves seem to be burnt and theres on thats really yellow and droopy. It was moved from my buddys house to mine so there was probably some stress during that. All of the water is phd around 5.5 . Just wondering if anyone know what exactlys going on? Not exactly sure where its from but its the only seedling that made it out of a batch of feminized northern lights. Any input is appreciated ask questions if needed I get on daily. :weed:



New Member
It defo looks like it has some sort of nuit burn, id back off from the fert for a few days let it dry out if its moist, not sure what you have under those clay balls but they hold in more moisture than you think, id also remove all the crap from it, ''bad leaves etc'' they wont be doing it any favors, but going by your pics, id let it really dry out, then give it water, then when it drys out for the second time give it a feed, but each time you feed it, water / then feed make sure its nice and dry and hungry, hope thats of some help.


i wish i could help but i know nothing of Hempy methods or Cfl's

the yellowing could be lack of Nitrogen, or lack of light to lower leaf's