is this plant dying?


Well-Known Member
So I getting some nutes next WK. Have them in foxfarm now & everyone says nutes nutes for the maximum. So I getting next WK. Damn I still need a sativa


Well-Known Member
Damn I don't want much just enough to make some killer butter, & have me own meds to puff. People up here do not cure I swear it! Trim 2 WK dry then to market to market! Sucks! Sometimes smells like skunk tastes like lawn. Not all of it but I say 60-70% is here! I believe in a loonng cure- dutch way
I never bought nutes either when I first started....The first 3 times I did it I had beginners luck and got great results but after that I had nothing but problems until I discovered Nutes/Fox Farm nutes and learned about pH imbalances.... You may get lucky a few times but eventually you and every other grower will have major deficiencies and not know what to do
this September I will be trying everyone's ideas and advice. Thank you all.


Well-Known Member
I never bought nutes either when I first started....The first 3 times I did it I had beginners luck and got great results but after that I had nothing but problems until I discovered Nutes/Fox Farm nutes and learned about pH imbalances.... You may get lucky a few times but eventually you and every other grower will have major deficiencies and not know what to do
Been years of me making my own soil and still no issues.
Organic farmers grow their weed every year and never step a foot inside a hydro store or buy expensive nutes or soil and they grow beautiful buds. Feed your soil create a ecosystem and it will feed your plants. I totally disagree that luck has anything to do with it. The only nute I'd pay for that I don't have access to is MAXSEA but it's not available here.


Well-Known Member
Been years of me making my own soil and still no issues.
Organic farmers grow their weed every year and never step a foot inside a hydro store or buy expensive nutes or soil and they grow beautiful buds. Feed your soil create a ecosystem and it will feed your plants. I totally disagree that luck has anything to do with it. The only nute I'd pay for that I don't have access to is MAXSEA but it's not available here.