Is this right?

Well i got really wasted last night smoked a joint then drank beer and smoked 2 more joints. in total had 5 beers 3 joints split with some buddies.

I started tripping. I had hard rapid heart beat pins and needles and breathing funny. Ive been smoking weed for 2 years and iv done this before with no problem just had a good time but last night was really screwed up I was also shaking.

is that normal to happen from smoking and drinking in the same night?


Well-Known Member
don't drink alot.. it's crap..
and figure out what you smoked.. here we got some new lookalike weed that makes your heart beats super fast and makes you shake and stuff..
weed is not supposed to do that..


Active Member
hmm maybe you didn't eat enough? alcohol will do that to me if i don't eat enough.

but what do i know,, im just some guy


Well-Known Member
Don't worry too hard man. That kind of thing happens sometimes when you mix substances. Hell, I've had similar things happen when I've eaten way too many edibles in the past. Your system just freaked out because there were too many things in it lol

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if i'm fully drunk and i smoke i get the spins really bad. a nice buzz plus a joint is very nice, but being trashed then having a joint is asking for problems unless it's something your body is accustomed to. i've never had a problem from being high then getting drunk but that's probably just because the weed wears off before the booze hits.


Well-Known Member
lol It sounds like you got zooted off your ass.

Do you remember the weed having any kind of strong chemical sharpie like smell to it?
Sounds like you got a little bit of the spins. I hate the spins! I only ever get them if I've been Drinky McDrinksalot all night and then decide to get REALLY high also. It is not a very pleasant experience.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
guess il just either drink or smoke and not add em together aha
Not even that,
dont let your buddies get near your drink..
and look at your bud before you smoke it.
I inspect that shit if I cop something from someone I dont know.
But if you know your source I guess someone put some shit in your drink.
If your buddies were laughing then they proboly did,
cause thats something them good ol' buddys do.
