is this temp burn?


Well-Known Member
I have four plants, only one looks like its suffering from either an underwatering, or heat. They are 4 days old. Its about 88-89 degrees under the lights, but its a cheapo radioshack thermometer with that little cord hanging out, and I think its a false reading. What do you think?? The other three are not showing any of the same signs, and they were all taken from the same soil and watered exactly the same.....The tips of this plant were dropped downwards yesterday before I watered them, now today they are pointed upwards, but the leaves look like they might be stretched from heat. Any opinions would be great. Ill include a few shots of the setup. I just added a 27 watt 5000k full spectrum lamp over top of my seedlings, and a 17 watt 6000k compact flourescent (in the pic its that huge blue bulb, not so compact) Also added a small extension cord with 2 10watt CFL's attached to it.. see picture.:joint:

1. plant 1 (the one that looks bad)

2. plant 2 (looks good)

3. plant 3 (looks good)

4. plant 4 (looks great, this one is short and darker green than the other two.)

5. 27watt 5000k Full spectrum lamp (16.99$)

6.Grow box setup

7. Side shot of plant #1(the plant on the left you can see that the tips are pointed back up again, even though they were starting to yellow)



Active Member
no nutes water a little every day till they get stronger. Keep it moist not wet. and get a fan blowing over them all the time,keep the air moving


Well-Known Member
I just picked up a moisture meter from the store, My plants were prolly at 2-3 on the reading, which was said to be "dry". After I watered them and let the water run out the bottom a lil, it read a 6-7, "moist". Anyone have any other ideas? This plant is still a little yellow, ill take some more pictures of it tonight.


Active Member
might be too young for nutes... but soon that leaf will turn more and more yellow from green. which is supposedly when your plant is telling you it needs its nutes... idk


Well-Known Member
I think they look sweet, they have the second set of leaves popping up, and are lookin really healthy.. :-D Got a soil ph/nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium test kit.. The ph is around 7 in my soil, maybe a little under, and the nitrogen is at a medium level. Any suggestions?? Temp is 76 degrees 55% humidity, no nutes yet, only watering when I get a dry reading from my moisture meter.. they are in 6inch pots.



Well-Known Member
they are 5 day old seedlings, and I am def not going to be giving them any nutes for a while, they are fine, the nitrogen levels in the soil are great, and so is the pH.. here are a few more pics.


Active Member
Just give'm some water. Make sure you use RO water or bottled water. At least let your water stand out fo 24hr. PH the warter to around 6.0 also. Maybe back off the bulb abit.



Well-Known Member
Just give'm some water. Make sure you use RO water or bottled water. At least let your water stand out fo 24hr. PH the warter to around 6.0 also. Maybe back off the bulb abit.


I use my tap water, but its well water, no chlorine in it, and it has a lot of good extra stuff in it as well, been working pretty well.. ph is pretty decent low 6's. I dont let it sit out or anything, seems to work fine. Here are some more pics of them from today, I revised the light positioning and tryed to snap a pic of it. I think they will like the new setup. :-D

Question: Does anyone that is doing a CFL grow foilar feed their plants?? B/c I am worried that they will create hot spots on the plants and I dont want that. Anyone do this with CFL's that are close to the plants?? Like 1 1/2 inches close?? (obviously misting with the lights off but then apply the lights right after)


1-2. These are the unhappy plant that has some strange yellow discoloration that none of the others have experienced, but seems to be getting better.

3-5. The other 3 plants. Pic 5 being of the short stuby dark green one that I love (think thats my female)

6-7. A strange side shot of my setup, you can see a couple 45w CFL's 3000k, and up above that blue ball hanging is a 17w 5000k CFL, and in the back you cant see I have a 27w 6500k lamp shooting some light in as well.. I lined my lamp hoods with mylar hoping this will help a tiny bit.. Does mylar do well under heat as well as reflect light good?? I hope I dont burn some mylar overnight.
