Is this to weak???


Well-Known Member
I tasted the batter (brownie mix) and it tasted kinda "kinda strong" tasting. We will see when the brownies are done and cooled.


Well-Known Member
ok here we go , i have cut my brownies up into 1 inch squairs. and im going to try them,breakfast is served.tast good, tasts dam good,ill beback in 30 mins.:-|:-|


Well-Known Member
Shit I hope he knows they take about 1-2 hours to kick in, he waited 7 minutes between eating them! From my experience 1 is if you want to be heavily stoned and 2 is if you want to lie down on the couch drooling for 7 hours.
You never came back to explain!! I bet you fell asleep didn't you.... lol.

Monkey106 has it nailed! 1oz is A SHIT TON for 2 sticks of butter. Think, if you use 1 stick for 1/2 a cup of oil for brownies, you cut into 9 pieces, thats 1.5 grams per person. EATING IS x2 as smoking!

Plus moneky nailed it with the two brownies. First time I did this was like 1 year ago. I made butter (1/2oz for 2 sticks), made brownies, ate one... 20 minutes later nothing so I ate another. 1 hour later I was knocked out asleep!

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
ill try one more
I guess everbody tries just one more the first time. They usually regret it.
My son used two ounces of my butter the first time he made brownies.
He didn't get high straight off so he ate half the pan. He was not a happy camper, didn't leave his room for two days. Had a crazed look in his eyes.
He won't do that again!
AH, the joys of fatherhood.