Is this what she should look like? (Pics)


This is my first time growing, I got some seeds from a friend and have been growing outside. I have no idea what to expect and was just wondering if i could get any feedback about my plant, if it looks healthy etc.... thanks!

PS its about 2.5 weeks old



i read that the color is from lack of phosphorus (hopefully) so i'll try to fix that. I was more worried about the leaves and the shaping, they look kind of funny dont you think


Well-Known Member
if its not weed its some close relative. dude just score some reggs and plant those seeds, then you'll know what your growing atleast


stays relevant.
Continue to grow it out... Regardless of what these fellas say, I've seen plenty cannabis plants start that way from seed.


Well-Known Member
look at how the cotyledons are not attached to the stem or they are, but by a thin little stem. thats why i think its not really marijana. dose it smell at all?


Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing, I got some seeds from a friend and have been growing outside. I have no idea what to expect and was just wondering if i could get any feedback about my plant, if it looks healthy etc.... thanks!

PS its about 2.5 weeks old
The only way it could be Phosphorus deficiency is if it were in flowering phase now...but I doubt that...just keep it growing and keep us posted with pics...:peace:


Active Member
Dont worry dude I've got a plant (clone) that looks like that that is DEFINITELY weed, it had issues with soil but is recovering now once I transplanted it. Was a weak clone and i thought it was dead a couple times but it was at the time my only copy of an AMAZING strain of skunk kush dripping with THC under sub optimal lighting conditions (F YEAH, huge strong buds). but enough about my babies, just grow it a few weeks in better soil it will become apparent VERY soon if its weed or not.