Iso Hash Oil Hair Dryer Method


Well-Known Member
ok i guess I should post my findings, I made hash oil using isopropyl alchohol last night.

well I was so impacient that I tried a new method to eveporate the iso very fast without much danger.

basically once you have extracted the thc mixed with iso, take a hair dryer on maybe medium heat setting and use that to eveporate the iso. now this took me about an hour and a half to complete, and this was to evaporate 1 large bottle of iso.

anyway after it dried I threw some buds in the mix and wa-la black hash:mrgreen:

it was real yummy:blsmoke: worth the annoying hair drying for 1.5 hours.


do this at your own risk

have proper ventilation

i wouldnt get the iso too hot with the hair dryer for fear of degrading the thc

obviously this causes iso vapor so do not do this near any flame or such that could ignine your iso fumes


Well-Known Member
well do this indoors with a hairdryer and and as a fireball... with or without ventilation iso is almost as bad as ether!