ISO Hash


Well-Known Member
Can someone lead me to a good iso hash making thread? The search function kinda sucks on this site. Thanks! (Its the only negative about this site though.)


Well-Known Member
ISO is basically self expanitory.

Take a glass jar with a lid
take bud/stems/trim
Throw in the freezer til its super cold
Throw bud/stems/trim into glass jar
Fill jar with 91% or 99% ISO alcohol til the stuff in the jar just starts to starts floating.(fill to trim line)
Proceede to shake like your an epileptic in an asian nightclub for roughly a minute.
I use 2 different micron mesh strainers and pour the alcohol mixure thru it into a 9" x 13" glass pyrex dish.
Stick outside or in front of a fan and leave it til all the alcohol evaporates
Scape with razorblade and enjoy =D


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I made it right after you posted this. It was fast and easy! Plus Rep! I dried it on an electric griddle in ths garage at 200 degress. Do you think that is too hot?