Issue with Super Lemon haze DWC


Well-Known Member
Hello. I have a few DWC plants goin, Hash plant haze, Blue cheese, and Super lemon haze. The Super lemon hazes leaves just started drooping like crazy today and I do not know what the cause is. It may be from heat stress the heater went on today, but why arent the others showing it. Here are some pics. Need some help. I flushed it with clearex today for an hour then redid it reservoir with General Hydro bloom, Hygrozyme, and Sm-90 in low dosages.

Note, this is my first DWC attempt I have grown all of these strains in Soil. The last pic is of a hash plant haze I have going 2 months ahead of my vegging ones, and it was my first DWC it is looking great, it hogs all of the light in the tent its in with a blue cheese Dwc.
I have had problems with DWC the entire time, I have to PH every day and I had to buy expensive PH/PPM meter. I also had spider mites got rid of em with floramite and i think I may have fungus gnats now.

In the first pic its just the droop Lemon haze and the 2nd pic its the one on the left. The other pics are of my other plants which are doing great including my budding ones.



Well-Known Member
I always PH the plants to 5.8ish every day they ussually raise to around 6.5 but the Super lemon was always goin around 7ph. The water temp is in the low to mid 70F. I am using my tap water it has a PH of around 7 and 120-200ppm. My other plants seem fine with it. The drooping one and the other 2 next to it are around a week into flowering. I have 2 others 6 weeks and 5 weeks into flowering which are doing fine and have nice buds already.

I just recalled i sprayed the plants with Doktor Doom mite spray yesterday. I wonder if it clogged the leaves or something.

You guys think it might just recover after a few days? I have never had a plant just die like this even in my early days when nutrient burn was very easy to do.


Well-Known Member
I always PH the plants to 5.8ish every day they ussually raise to around 6.5 but the Super lemon was always goin around 7ph. The water temp is in the low to mid 70F. I am using my tap water it has a PH of around 7 and 120-200ppm. My other plants seem fine with it. The drooping one and the other 2 next to it are around a week into flowering. I have 2 others 6 weeks and 5 weeks into flowering which are doing fine and have nice buds already.

I just recalled i sprayed the plants with Doktor Doom mite spray yesterday. I wonder if it clogged the leaves or something.

hi there ghosty87 it could be lack of Nitrogen or too much nitrogen but would get 2nd opnion on it


Well-Known Member
I just gave the Plants 24 hours with the fresh resevoir change and the Super lemon's PH went up all the way to 8.1 which i believe is incredibly basic for a plant, Also its water tho it is fresh looks milky/slimy compared to the blue cheese and hashplant. I do not know how it went up that high when I only added PH down and it was at 5.8. The blue cheese went up to 6.7 ph and the Hash plant went down to 4.5 which ive noticed my larger hash plant do, which does not cause any problems so I brought them all back to 5.8. The super lemon is still droopy tho. I just gave the Super lemon 1/4tsp General hydro Micro which has Nitrogen in it. See if that helps these leaves correct themselves. Its so wierd the leaves do not look burned or anything and the main stalks are still strong and standing upright. Just the leaves are drooping even tho they are all perfectly green. Im thinking its something in the resevoir/roots causing the plant to make water to basic and its hendering it somehow.


Well-Known Member
I just gave the Plants 24 hours with the fresh resevoir change and the Super lemon's PH went up all the way to 8.1 which i believe is incredibly basic for a plant, Also its water tho it is fresh looks milky/slimy compared to the blue cheese and hashplant. I do not know how it went up that high when I only added PH down and it was at 5.8. The blue cheese went up to 6.7 ph and the Hash plant went down to 4.5 which ive noticed my larger hash plant do, which does not cause any problems so I brought them all back to 5.8. The super lemon is still droopy tho. I just gave the Super lemon 1/4tsp General hydro Micro which has Nitrogen in it. See if that helps these leaves correct themselves. Its so wierd the leaves do not look burned or anything and the main stalks are still strong and standing upright. Just the leaves are drooping even tho they are all perfectly green. Im thinking its something in the resevoir/roots causing the plant to make water to basic and its hendering it somehow.

could be wrong but milky water ph up milky slime could be Pythium

hi there do u let ur water sit for 24-48 hour.
also try and keep rez temps under 70 i have mines at 62 68

and have a read ov this theard


Well-Known Member
Ya I was wondering the same thing about it being Pythium. I thought the roots turn dark brown and like brown slime when it occurs tho. My roots are mostly white maybe a slight yellow tinge to them. Right now my resevoir is at 68F. I actually dont let my water sit for 24-48 hours anymore because I have never had trouble with chlorine or anything in it and i assume thats what you would let it sit for. Ill take a look at that thread. I am tryin to keep the PH around 5.8-6.2 right now. It wants to go up to 7 after around 2 hours. I think the roots must be rotting or sometihng, because i Just rinsed them in the shower and a bunch of small roots and such fell off and clogged my drain, but then again all my plants always have some roots falling off. Dang Super lemon has been a pain in the ass for me the entire time ive grown it. In soil it got mold in the last week. My hash plants and blue cheeses seem more resiliant, especially the hash plant.


Well-Known Member
Ya I was wondering the same thing about it being Pythium. I thought the roots turn dark brown and like brown slime when it occurs tho. My roots are mostly white maybe a slight yellow tinge to them. Right now my resevoir is at 68F. I actually dont let my water sit for 24-48 hours anymore because I have never had trouble with chlorine or anything in it and i assume thats what you would let it sit for. Ill take a look at that thread. I am tryin to keep the PH around 5.8-6.2 right now. It wants to go up to 7 after around 2 hours. I think the roots must be rotting or sometihng, because i Just rinsed them in the shower and a bunch of small roots and such fell off and clogged my drain, but then again all my plants always have some roots falling off. Dang Super lemon has been a pain in the ass for me the entire time ive grown it. In soil it got mold in the last week. My hash plants and blue cheeses seem more resiliant, especially the hash plant.
sativa plants r fussy but i love them the last sat i grew was the arjun haze3 love growin it but did not like the smoke much i am going to grow the sup lem haze very soon jus waitin 4 da vanilla kush and afgan kush specail to finish got another 4 weeks left...


Well-Known Member
Nice, I think my mold issue with my last soil harvest and the SL haze was probably lack of an ocilating fan and over use of molasses. I believe Hash plant is like 75% sativa and the bluecheese is 75% indica. For some reason the hash plants I grow always get the largest and have bigger buds than the cheese. Its kinda funny because i was always told Indica's yielded bigger and faster. The bluecheese does smell and taste amazing, but the hash plant is still my favorite. The SL haze i grew by far had the most trichomes as well. But the smoke is really intense for me.

Here are some pics of my last grow. The last pic is of the Super Lemon Haze you can see its covered in large trichomes.



Well-Known Member
those pics are very nice will defo get them beans very nice grow, i have neva done a soil grow will have to do 1 one day...

same hear m8 was also told that indicas u get more but i seem to get more of sativas i have neva had indica do more than a sativa


Well-Known Member
Dang it has been 2 days now and the SL haze is still drooping like crazy, I thought it would of recovered by now but doesnt look like it will.


Well-Known Member
Thats true, I gave you +rep for your support and responses. I also added you to my friends/contacts. I just came up with a new plan to try to save this one before I completely give up. I am supporting the mass of the root ball out of the water with some wires hanging from the net pot and I put a new airstone in just in case my old one was messed up, its a round one and i dropped it a few times when emptyin the bucket and it makes noise when i shake it like its broken tho it seems to bubble. I think the plant is overwatered somehow and in hydro that can only mean lack of Oxygen.


Well-Known Member
Thats true, I gave you +rep for your support and responses. I also added you to my friends/contacts. I just came up with a new plan to try to save this one before I completely give up. I am supporting the mass of the root ball out of the water with some wires hanging from the net pot and I put a new airstone in just in case my old one was messed up, its a round one and i dropped it a few times when emptyin the bucket and it makes noise when i shake it like its broken tho it seems to bubble. I think the plant is overwatered somehow and in hydro that can only mean lack of Oxygen.
hi there the airstone will be still gud to use as long as the air pumps is above water level or if you have a non return valve then it does not matter what kind ov air pump u usin and how many bukets is it doing...

i use an air compressor in my set up which gives air to 3 containers each container has 2 12" air stones the air compressor i use is called a hailea aco-318 its the 1 in the pic. the more air u have the better it is for ur root more oxy in the water this baby gives me 70L/min so i get 4200Liters/H plus the pump is mantance free no diaphrams and it could do 12 containers with 6" airstones x1 in each container no problem. when you re tool later on after this grow might be worth lookin into a air pump which will give you pure over kill ....

p.s when i did my 1st and 2nd grow i whent threw headaches in rdwc now its like calm waters for me every 1 goes threw problems its the only way to become gud at it i neva look at things as a falure but a lesson

my current grow



Well-Known Member
I will definitely be looking into one of those compressor pumps. I have a regular air compressor that is for like a nail gun, but I never knew they made ones for hydro. One of my problems is I do a Soil grow then switch to hydro and/or take long breaks in between grows so I forget a lot when I start again. My first DWC plants are doing really good at 6 and 7 weeks into flower. I have never had a soil plant as big as my hash plant haze DWC, but the other 3 are struggling. After reading a lot online I noticed they all have like easy to break roots kinda, even tho they are all white, most likely meaning their is some sort of bacterial infection. Im trying some hydrogen peroxide which i dont ussually use. I really am interested in your compressor pump, does it make the water so bubbly that no bad things like pythium and bacterias can form on the roots? I read that turbulent water is good for getting disolved oxygen and preventing root rot.I was wondering how much does one of your pumps cost? I also never knew to keep my pumps above the water level of the buckets, ill try to rig that up somehow as they are on the floor right now. Sorry for the lengthy paragraph.

Posting a picture of how big my hash plant is, I really wish my super lemon will make it to this size.



Well-Known Member
I will definitely be looking into one of those compressor pumps. I have a regular air compressor that is for like a nail gun, but I never knew they made ones for hydro. One of my problems is I do a Soil grow then switch to hydro and/or take long breaks in between grows so I forget a lot when I start again. My first DWC plants are doing really good at 6 and 7 weeks into flower. I have never had a soil plant as big as my hash plant haze DWC, but the other 3 are struggling. After reading a lot online I noticed they all have like easy to break roots kinda, even tho they are all white, most likely meaning their is some sort of bacterial infection. Im trying some hydrogen peroxide which i dont ussually use. I really am interested in your compressor pump, does it make the water so bubbly that no bad things like pythium and bacterias can form on the roots? I read that turbulent water is good for getting disolved oxygen and preventing root rot.I was wondering how much does one of your pumps cost? I also never knew to keep my pumps above the water level of the buckets, ill try to rig that up somehow as they are on the floor right now. Sorry for the lengthy paragraph.

Posting a picture of how big my hash plant is, I really wish my super lemon will make it to this size.

them plants look so lovely well cared 4 take my hat off to u m8


Well-Known Member
I just ordered the pump you recommended and 2 nicer round airstones. . Do you know if the pump come with that valve splitter thing? I just checked buckets this morning.. I finally got all the dead roots out of the SL haze bucket even tho its still dropping. The roots touching the water are bright white now as well. I am not sure if the plant can recover by itself tho on 12/12 cycle or if I need to veg it again or just scrap it... I took clones before all this happened, and I got a small one rooted in a dixi cup that will be a mother.