Issues on Day 32

Aloha guys!!

Today i saw my first ever tiny baby bud growing and I'm so psyched!! That means something I'm doing right :))

So now if you take a look at the photos will see some problems..

First and second i think it's her hunger for fertilizer!?

Third and fourth got no clue if it's sun burn, pests or both of that or alkaline soil or whatever..

and in the last one is my bud that i just saw at the pc this bug i didn't noticed when i was shooting her.. is it anything that can ruined her cause i have to go a long way back to remove that..

Thanks guys!!

holy crap i just saw pics of spider mites and that thing looks a lot like that.. if that's the deal what can i use right now until i got i buy some kind of control..


Well-Known Member
the pests you have are called leaf miners. they dig inside the leaf and are very well protected. however, neem oil will easily get rid of them.