It burns when I smoke...


Active Member
Damn. So I'm between grows and had to buy. It's super dry round here and the shit I found literally looks more like tree bark than buds. Anyways, the shit makes my throat burn when I smoke it. I've tried every way possible, aside from vap, can't afford one. I don't want to eat it cause thats kind of a waste, no offense to anyone, just my opinion. Anyone have any thoughts on what I can do to this to make it not burn????

If I can't find anything that works I'll just have to buy a vap but I hate using credit cards.

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
id put it in an airtight container and put it in a cool dark place for about a week, then try it out and see how it tastes..


Well-Known Member
Ya ive had the same problem as you. I think it is just the weed being to dry. I remember smoking some real dry bud one time, I would touch it and the bud would crumble. The trick to get around that is just take smaller tokes, doesnt burn as much. Another way is by putting ice in a water bong and smoking it through that, makes the smoke real cool and goes right down. hope that helps, happy toking :peace:


Active Member

So I'm right in the middle of grinding it all out. I want to grind it out and leave it with some orange peels to see if it's a moisture issue. However, this stuff is really seedy I mean bad. I'm wondering if all of the male pollen on the plant might be activating my allergys as while I was grinding it my nose and eyes started to burn and itch....


New Member
if the taste was worth keeping you wouldn't be hear moaning, water cure for sure, that or just turn it into oil and make the burn worth it


Well-Known Member
I read about that. I don't want it to have no taste, and that doesn't mean it's going to take away the harsh burn.

I have read that this may be due to the bud being to dry. Any thoughts?
You dont need a 7 day cure.

My buddy gave me a bag of the shawggiest schwag dirty mexican brick weed cause he couldn't smoke it. I water cured for 7 days, had him back over and he could not believe it was the same stuff. Sure it lost the weedy taste but it was unsmokeable in the first place.

You could do it for a couple days just to smooth it out a little. The first day does the most so cure to your taste. Drop a bud in a large cup and leave it for a day to try it out.


Active Member
just as long as it doesnt burn when you pee......
That's where I was going with the thread title.

I'm totally gonna drop a little in some water for a few days and then dry it out and give it a shot.

Thanks for the help guys I'll hit ya back if it doesn't work.