It changed the way i see things.....


Active Member
Anyone who believes the government isn't manipulating your lives and working to erase your amendments & Rights slowly 1 at at time do 1 good day reading/video watching on the following and come back to the thread:

NWO - New World Order
The Illuminati
Skull & Bones Cult
Bohemian Grove

Most of these I believe are plentiful and full if info on youtube
Cheers & Good shocking non believers...


Active Member
Think for yourself and always question authority.

Don't believe all of what the gov't feeds us and remain skeptical of media intentions. But also don't nose dive into conspiracy theories. Always think for yourself and choose the simplest most credible solution.

My two cents on 9/11 is, we had the intelligence, it was improperly handled. It likely wasn't an inside job. But I don't think the gov't really tried or wanted to stop it from happening. This topic has been beat to death all decade, though the History Channel was advertising a show that looked like it was all about home footage shot by New yorkers that looks fascinating. The real truth won't come out for a long time.
thankyou very much dude, all im trying to do is get things like this out there, im not sayin you have to believe everything but at least give it a go you never know it might change your mind.