"It Takes a LONG TIME to Kill the Human Body


Active Member
:sleep::sleep::wall:Hi I've just about run out of smoke and getting kinda nervous!!!!!!!:-( I would have never believed it took so long to grow weeds!!!:sleep: Go figure no wonder its so expensive to buy!:-( My answer to this is Legalize the stuff:finger: the Good Lord would have never put it in the world if it was not good for you, we use anti-venom from snakes, and all manner of plants to cure the worlds ills, guess the GOV. wouldn't make all the moula to put in their coula if they made it legal!!!:fire:ONE OF THESE DAYS!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yea but if its legalized then they are gonna tax the shit out of it, and say they have to spray the plants too keep insects and other stuff off of it. i say they should just legalize it and let people grow their own in their back yards and what not, but one of the reasons why i think its not legalized is because if you get pulled over by the police and your really high there is no 100% fool proof test to tell if your on marijuana unless they give you a drug test and that costs alot of money, if someone were to invent something like breath test like they have for alcohol but for THC then the possibility of it becoming legalized would greatly increase.


Well-Known Member
Pots illegal because it makes you smarter,makes you question stuff and makes you harder to control:idea:


Well-Known Member
I mean, yeah, it's should obviously be legal. But, the "good lord" has put a lot of things on this earth that are bad for us.


Well-Known Member
They will only legalize once they have figured out a way of making their cut on it.

Tobacco and guns are fine and are allowed by your government. Yet both of these kill 1000s every year.

Alcohol is a shitty drug that leaves you with no control, it causes many fights, deaths and hospital visits, yet again they are more than happy with it. In fact they look for ways to make more on it. Every year they increase their percentage of what they take on it.

This is why it is illegal.

Me personally, I like the fact that it isn't legal. It means I can get on with my shit in peace without any interfering from people wanting their share.