Italian basil + ezclone120 = Dang!!!


Well-Known Member
I recently stuck some Sweet basil in my ezcloner after breakin a bit of accidentially in the garden.

I also stuck in some water mellons i had started in soil/beer cups.

The basil is a cloners best friend,that stuff has 2" of roots in like 5 days!
The water mellon is slower for sure but ,a really cool lookin plant.

I cut 10 tops from my italian basil and same thing,those this need no clonex etx,just tap water and a sprinker! My garden reaks of chemdawg and basil i cant be mad at that!

I will likley throw a basil under a 1000 watt in a homade aeroponic bucket to see what happens,mmmmm basil.:weed:


Well-Known Member
i just transplanted 8 basil into beer cups with roots organic soil,they blew me away with how fast they hade crazy roots,I will post some flix when this batch root .Are all plants able to be rooted in aero cloners? I want to try some house plants!


Well-Known Member
hey lol i cant stop laughing....but if u r really growing i grow it all year round and im reallly talking about basil, but any way its the easiest plant i have ever cloned. i learned from my grandfather years ago. useing in a cloner is a waste five days is a long time for roots on basil. pick the sunniest window that you have in your house or apt. take your cuttings and then put them in a glass clear glass so the sun can hit it, oh lol also fill the glass with ater too lol half way then wait about a day or 2 bango major roots...

i think basil is the best plant in the worls besides mary....but the easiest i ever cloned in my life.....try it out see if it works for ya....


Well-Known Member
make sure its a clear glass bro not a colered one u want the sun to hit it so those roots pop.....its pretty cool i do it all the time....i tried grass that way thought i was cool it never wored lol....watermelon is harder to clone....tomatoes very easy same way in a glass like too same way....but when u get a second set on your basil pinch it back or top it which ever uh undersatnd....

i got my basil outside about 4 feet tall about 4 feet wide and i just took about 20 cutting from it i love that plant.....i cook with it all year round...i hope it works for ya....


Well-Known Member
4ft basil!? Dood take a pic! I took 8 or so basil tops and threw em in a clear glass with tapwater outside as i dont have a good window will this work?
I am gona do this to my tomatoes tomorow,i have some garlic is it possible to clone ?
Or onion? Carrots?hmm.cheers


Well-Known Member
onions garlic carrots no thies kinda nit the same as basil tomatoe mint and so on.... doing it outside it might i always do it in a windo .....put a glass in a window and one outside see what happens... lol i will take a pic for u as soon as i get my lazy ass up ha ha .....i actually think i got one on my pc i have to take a peek ill get back to ya...
Cool when fall comes I'm gonna bring my tomatoes and bells inside. Can I keep these on 24-0 or do I need 12-12 to get my veggies.


Well-Known Member
well basil its just a leafy plant i would keep it under light 24/7 never give it a break and keep topping it as much as u can for more leaves,as for anyother like that parsley brocclie rabbi stuff like that is all 24/7 stuff.....tomatoes u would have to make it bloom so when they got to a desired hight u would have to go 12/12 to get your tomatoes to bloom.....another good thing you could do is use bananna peels on top or in your soil for a natural fertalizer , my basil loves it i think thats why i get great basil plants....let me look for a pic for u ill show u one of mine....


Well-Known Member
Shweet! No roots yet on my od cup,or the new ones in aerocloner,sheesh.Have you ever planted ganja and basil in the same pot?


Well-Known Member
The outdoor basil in the cup took a while to root properly,ill try the window thing next.
I will also plant basil in the same container and see how it and MJ get along,lol my house is gona smell like basil.I just hope the meds dont adopt the basil flavor!


Well-Known Member
lol u might invent a new smell......i always keep basil around my house to kill the stink.....more basil more stink from it get


Well-Known Member
My od cup basils rooted but the aerocloner produces more roots faster,i am gona do some companion planting and see how they do...i love that smell,time to smoke cheers


Well-Known Member
Hers a few shots
first one is my sweet basil mother and the 2 clones i started in the ezcloner
The next are in the black pots are from my 2nd ezclone batch and were just transplanted today...
And then a few shots of the basil roots in th cloner...
im gona start a basil clone from my last batch in a DWC buckt i made
and make it a mother or a dood {is basil male and female when sold at markets or only fem basil?
Many flowers sprouted in the last batch in the cloner why is this?



Well-Known Member
trim those yellow leaves off the bottom they r useless.....its actually a waste if energy to the plant.......basil male or female i dont know i know at the end o summer my plants flower like a bastard and the tops throw the flowers which produce tiny ass seeds that look like black pepper and i get tons of them......

im gonna chop my plants this week and show u how fast i root them in a glass....


Active Member
I can't believe I even have to say this but tomatoes don't need a 12 hour dark period. They bloom and make tomatoes in the summer. ya know the part of the year with really long days? :eyesmoke:

Sorry guys I figured that was a given.


Well-Known Member
how about oregano and rosemary and cilantro? I would love to have fresh herbs all year long. My boyfriend is a great cook and he would love to have this fresh stuff all year long. I am going to get my tomatoes done so I can have them year long too.