It's official! Moving to canada next week!


Active Member
First off, happy national day!

Moving to the panhandle of New Brunswick next week and I'm stoked. Can't wait to sample the scene up north. I've already started the Rosetta Stone. I've heard that the greens are extremely easy to get up there but I don't want to just walk to anyone and ask point blank. What is the culture like? Is it more similar to the states or is it closer to the countries around Europe like Denmark or Netherlands? Nice to meet you all btw. Excited not only to get my grow on again but also to maybe toss some vegetables into the room for year-round freshness.


Active Member
Canada is awesome man.. Congrats on moving here.. I love it.. Nd i live in a small toen in Ontario.. And theres alot of people that smoke and grow here.. Ranging from age 12-80 lol.. Im sure its like that everywhere, but i had a friend who was in NB, nd he said when he was looking for pot.. He was at a bar nd heard some1 talking about it.. and ended up getting a grocery bag full of nuggs for like $100 bucks :).. Not everyone smokes pot.. and its not like amsterdam.. But its not as frowned upon as it is in america.. Theres always some stoner kickin it no matter what province your in..


Well-Known Member
I was born in canada, great country, live now in the states and miss it. Used to go back every sommer vaca to live with my uncle. You'll love it. Good luck on your voyage. :cool:


Active Member
Thanks so much for replying and all the help.

One more question. What is the scene like for musicians up there? I'll be focusing more on my songwriting/singing when I get up there and I heard the music scene is pretty awesome even for small towns like mine. I also want to put my good bass skills and equipment to use and join up with some people who need some low end.