It's Sunny In My Apt, Can I Take Advantage Of It?


Well-Known Member
First I want to explain my situation. I live with my girlfriend and this is my second apt with her. the first one had no sunlight. it sucked cos she loves growing plants and flowers.

Now we're living in another apt which has tons of windows with tons of sunlight.

I started growing in my utility room. I really dont have much room(2x4) so im basically looking to grow 3 full plants under my 400 watt mh and hps light set up and now im worried about my electricity bill from them being on 24/ for the last 4 weeks.

Anyways, im still vegging my 7 plants in my room and today i woke up to a ultra sunny day. Can I move my plants where the sunlight is going through the window?

thanks for the replies!


Well-Known Member
you most certainly can.. this will be only temporary ( the light shifts with this sun ) but it will keep the plant alive.. i have personally seen the result of this and i say that it causes stretching ( not what u want ) and that its easier and more beneficial to the plant to keep it under the light .. besides the fact that you will have marijuana plants in plain sight threw the window, it will serve its purpose,, providing light.. but its really not that expensive to run a 400w light.. i think ur better off leaving them in there and just being more energy efficient throughout the rest of the house


Well-Known Member
the current house i am renting has an area on the back porch all inclosed with windows, basically a greenhouse. i'm hoping this will be beneficial to me when the weather gets alot nicer. i think the plants will love the natural light and it keeps out predators.


Well-Known Member
if it is actully good direct natural sunlight. the plants will not strech. it would be just as if it was outdoor.


Well-Known Member
must be DIRECT.. like he said.. and usually you only get direct sunlight in windows for 4-6 hours a day.. but house facing different directions would get different times so it could work i guess


Active Member
Yeah dude put your weed plants right in the apartment window, just remember to lay on the floor and put your hands behind your back when the cops bust your door down.:dunce:


that's crazy, cause I ran 1000, hps ac plus......... and my bill mite of jumped69$ were u live, the power price must be way diffrent


Well-Known Member
i had a room that got a good 8 hours of sunlight through only one south facing window. i would move the plants from one side of the room to the other during the day, and then into a little grow space i set up in an unused second bathroom for the remaining 4 hours.

it can happen, but it is a lot of extra work moving plants all the time.