iv gone into full noobie mode.


Active Member
This is my problem,
I had to go away for two weeks due to a funeral.
It was very late minute so i had no time to set up a feeding system for my plants.
I had to resort to asking the only other person who knows i grow to look in on the plants and feed them.
Two of my plants now look fucked.

I told my friend my watering schedule. A liter every three days and feed every second watering, I also said to make sure the soil is actually dry before watering.
I'm not going to blame my friend for this as he has no growing experience, but i was in a bind and he helped me out.

Normally i wouldn't have a problem here, id just go through what i have done recently and figure out my problem.
Obviously this time i cant do that, so im back to asking noob questions.
And the kicker is my friend went on holiday the day BEFORE i got back so i cant talk to him about it.

So here's the stats on my plant.
the first pictures are of SWEET DEEP GRAPEFRUIT
the second pictures are from ORIGINAL AMNESIA.
they are in an 80-20 mix of soil and perlite.
they are feed with bio-bloom fertilizer and they are 3 and a half weeks into flower.
the light schedule is 12/12
they are under cfl's (not interested in any haters on this point, its what i have to work with atm)
the daytime temps are 26 degrees C
the night time temps are 14 degrees C
RH is 48% average.

Original Amnesia's pot feels light and SDG's pot feels heavier then i would expect.

any help would be much appreciated.




Active Member
do you mean for both or just SDG? original amnesia's soil feels pretty damn dry and light as a feather.

usually i wouldn't have this problem, but not knowing the particulars of whats been going on with them for two weeks has kind of knocked my growers confidence :/
Im not a happy smoker.


Well-Known Member
if light as a feather.......water. yes.
they've been drowned by the looks of them. you do water often, tho. every three days. i only water when light in weight. no matter how long its been. i don't even keep track of my waterings.


Active Member
Im usually the same but i had to give this guy SOME idea of when and how much, he has literally NO gardening experience. I had 12 hours between finding out about this funeral and having to get a flight. So, unfortunately it was ether my mate or leave them without water for two weeks.

So you think its Just over watering on both of them?
iv had over watering problems on previous plants but Never this bad. . thats why i was concerned.

by the way, thanks for the help scroglodyte, it is Really Really appreciated :)