I've Been Busy... (Hydro..LED Harvest... LED Grow...+)

Well, I haven't been very active lately because I've taken on some new projects, had some amazing results, and have even more experimentation I plan on doing.

You can check my previous posts for a photo of a Blueberry #4 and Purple Dragon plant that I had spliced. It's doing really well, remaining green and standing up.

Now the new stuff:

I've planted some seedlings about 7 days ago in some root riot cubes, and the results are amazing. Using root organics/great white mix plus Cutting Edge, I have firm thick roots coming out of the bottom of all of my cubes with healthy sprouts already showing two green leaves, sorry don't have photos of this yet =(

They're growing under 1 warm spectrum CFL, and 1 daylight cold spectrum CFL. Both @100W

Onto my veg room. I have a feeling I'm going to end up with many hermies because I learned another guy who had the same seeds as mine ended up with a lot of them - which would make sense because they came from severely seedy bud (guessing). The plants are again under 2 warm and 2 cold fluorescent tubes with a fan blowing on them to strengthen roots. The growth to me is amazing right now but it's probably normal (first grow).
I placed foil tape on the tops of the bulbs to help reflect even more light - seems to be doing the trick. I am aware I need one more 4' light in the middle however funds are tight right now so please don't harp on me lol.

I have one flowering Santa Cruz Kush which is under one 14W LED grow panel. It's flowering great, the bud is filled with ridiculous crystals, and consider I saved it from a mold attack I think it's doing great.

Now onto the controversial section: LED

I'm not here to change anyone's minds, opinions, desires, etc. I am not trying to preach or any of that noise. I know a lot of people want to KNOW what LEDs are capable of, but lack the funds, or even time to do so - others just don't want to do the work.

So I intend on keeping you guys updated with photos on my LED grows and yields. As of now I'm only running one 14W and one 45W in two separate rooms, but thats because the smaller one can only cover a few square feet so it's in a custom built chamber to its size which is where the SC Kush is growing.

Below you will see photos of most of my projects, and I have given a few days in between so you can see growth comparisons. The reason my younger vegging plants are smaller than the other ones vegging is because they were just recently put into new pots and under LEDs, but IMO they're catching up pretty damn quick.

I also have a video I took, here's the scenario:

I wanted to see how well an LED worked and I let a plant look slightly sad, and I let it do so under fluorescent lighting. I changed nothing, added no water nor food and placed it into my led veg room. It went in at 8:30 PM at night and I recorded a video of it. The following morning around 8-9 AM I looked in the room and it was completely perked up.

Rooms are the same materials, air ventilation, temp, humidity, etc. This is from personal experience, I have videos to prove it. Now this is only ONE point I have to make of how well my LEDs have worked for me.

You're going to see two photos below side by side. They're photos of my purple dragons under LEDs and were trimmed regularly, the following picture is 6 days later and the increase in fan leaves is exponential. I didn't know if this was worth mentioning at first, so I sent a photo to a few growers and just asked, "is this a lot for 6 days?". I didn't mention lighting, and they said hell yes. Again, you make the call but it's another example.

Note: I just noticed this when uploading; look at March 12, then March 13 with the far away views. LOOK AT THE GROWTH IN ONE DAY.

45W LED claims to be comparable to 250 HPS.

I am not agreeing with this because I've never owned a 250HPS, however I do know that I am fully vegging these plants in about a 5x4 foot area using only 45W of power - without issues of heat emissions raising my temperature.

Again I'm not bragging, boasting, or trying to offend anyone who doesn't want to change, but for those who want to know more or are on the fence of it, then I hope this provides some insight.

I plan on completely switching to LED panels, with them totally covering most of my walls. 12"x12" LED claims to give out 250HPS? Hmm, wonder how awesome it'll be when I have 20 of those spread out in one room...

Time will tell. Happy picturing!

I need to upload only a couple photos at a time because I'm on Clearwire which is terrible.

Please check out my other posts as well, you might find some useful information or something you may want to bitch at me for =)


Here is the harvest from my Santa Cruz Kush.

Now here was the problem plant from the first day I got it.

It was an outdoor plant that was never watered, so it was droopy when I received it (was also beginning to flower). I added Finisher and started bringing it up again and then it got a mold attack and I lost about 50-65% of my branches and leaves from trimming.

I threw it indoors under one 14W LED light. This provided blue/light (I know, it needed more red) but this was just a test chamber. And considering 14W gave me an output of half an ounce I think that's pretty giving considering wattage use.

This photo is just a quick one I took from the smaller branches. I know it's not packed but I ended up with several tight and dense nugs.

I may be wrong though, let me know your opinions. I figure... One LED light 14W is $42. If I had two more I'm using 42W electricity and producing around 1.5 ounces a plant if not more because I'll have a HEALTHY plant plus monster bloom now instead.

21W = 1 Ounce

I'm just guessing with math here again though. I am now flowering TWO Purple Dragons under a 45W (which claims to be 250HPS) and I'm going to see their output. They have good roots and are healthy. So in 2-3 months we'll know my yield. As for now I'll be sure to provide updates for you guys.

I hope you're as excited as I am!



Active Member
Good luck with your grow. It's nice to see more people are starting to be more open minded about LED's and try it out for themselves instead of going off of he say, she say kind of stuff that's being said about LED grows.
I switched over from a 400 watt HPS to a 163W LED grow light and glad that I made the switch! I would also suggest throwing in a few CFL's in there to help out since your not using many watts with your LED. It will help out a lot. here's a few pics of my grow, this is my white castle after flowering for 2 1/2 weeks.

This guy was giving me a lot of problems when it was in veg state. It seemed real weak so I kind of gave up on it and threw it in flowering to see what it will do. I'm actually kind of impressed for a plant that was sick.