I've Smoked Weed for over 4 Decades; this is my First Attempt at Growing Anything.


Active Member
This is a genuine case of an old dog trying to learn new tricks! I've had a couple of chronic conditions that made it easy for me to qualify for a card when I moved to Maine a year ago. I renovated and added heat and fuses to my basement to dedicate to growing. I just found this site recently and it's been a godsend.

After a disastrous start with seed drowning and other mistakes I have 1 2&1/2 week old Tangerine Dream that's been through hell. I have 8 thriving seedlings, 9 & 10 days old. They're in a 4 x 4 tent, in FF Seed Starter soil, under a Plantmax 600 W HP conversion lamp dialed down to 400 a couple of feet away from the seedlings. Temps in the low '70's and I'm using a humidifier and wet towels to stay in 40 - 50 %. I am getting some pH Down tomorrow as my water is 7.0.

3 Tangerine Dream
3 Chocolope
and these freebies:
1 Wappa
1 G13 auto AK
1 Blue Widow

It is Day 17 since the troubled Tangerine Dream sprouted, (on the far left). The young girls are on Day 9 & 10 since sprouting. All feedback is more than welcome.



Active Member
There is also this LSD plant whose cotyledons opened with the others, but not much has happened since then.



Active Member
welcome to RIU. Not quite four decades but I'm into my third! :D but only 18 years total. = 32

How were the 80's? Love Depeche Mode, The Smiths etc. but growing up with Nirvana and Radiohead wasn't bad either!

I'm subbed up. Like to see some shots of your set-up too!




New Member
Welcome to RIU! They all look fine no wories. LSD is one of my fave grows, they tend to start slow but after 3-4 nodes...watch her go! Good luck and +rep for taking the leap into farming.

P.S. We are the minority here my friend but there are some of us old geezers here...I am 47. Feel free to PM me with questions. I may not be able to help but I will never steer you wrong. If I can't answer I can point you to someone or something (other posts or DVD's from youtube) that can help.


Active Member
Welcome to RUI !

Congrats on your move and script, and best wishes on your future endeavors.


Active Member
Hi L. I'm more about the 60's and 70's. I actually attended Woodstock and was in New York at CBGB's in the 70's.
Even better!! CBGB's.. I'm super jealous! Love the Ramones.. Of course Woodstock would've been awesome but I'm more impressed you were at CBGB's in the 70;s (born in late 70's) :D

Welcome again..

Looking forward to your grow journal updates. I just started my first grow as well. I've got a 3x3 tent but wish I had the room for a 4 x 4.


New Member
Very nice set up! I would like to make 1 suggestion...get a couple of 6400k cfl's and put them very close to the seedlings and you can either leave the HID on or off for the 1st couple of weeks. Save on the electric bill and stop them from stretching.


Active Member
Nice setup.. My Rh is low too with the sudden shock of cold weather we've had. I'll consider draping some towels such as you have


Well-Known Member
just watch out for the young guys..they like to show off with there fancy grows....lol


Active Member
Ramones, Blondie, Talking Heads etc etc etc FAR OUT!
You know, a lot of pot dealing money got used helping some bands get started. Joey Ramone's brother took a serious bust, but for the most part, there was very little heat in NYC at that time. The other favored financial source was girlfriends working as strippers.


Active Member
Very nice set up! I would like to make 1 suggestion...get a couple of 6400k cfl's and put them very close to the seedlings and you can either leave the HID on or off for the 1st couple of weeks. Save on the electric bill and stop them from stretching.
Do you think they are stretching now? I don't mind investing in cfl's as I look forward to the day when I'm working with clones. I'll look into this. Thanks.


Active Member
Ramones, Blondie, Talking Heads etc etc etc FAR OUT!
Exactly! Plus many other great bands like Television and Richard Hell & the Void Oids that never got famous. I got there in 1975. the first time I went to CB's was a Ramones shoe in front of about 50 people. They blew out their enormous amps twice in their half hour set. I couldn't make out most of their lyrics but I knew I had just seen something amazing. Right away, CBGB's became my hangout bar. Regulars didn't have to pay to get in. One of the main highlights of my life.


New Member
Do you think they are stretching now? I don't mind investing in cfl's as I look forward to the day when I'm working with clones. I'll look into this. Thanks.
Not at all, I was offering a suggestion to keep them from stretching at all.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Dude for ur first grow ur setup is like a pro... My first was years ago n I had a aquarium fluro, hung by 4 shoe strings... N the shit worked but I took it down... Ur setup is riiiiiighttt... Niiice


Active Member
I diluted the water I use with .5% Hydrogen peroxide, as suggested from the books. At what point do I stop with that?