Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze


Active Member

Trimmed up a bunch of fan leaves, photos to come soon for diagnostic fun times!
Continued LST and added the trellis! Time to start weaving!

Watered today, changed from distilled water to tap water today; as @FirstCavApache64 mentioned; distilled was becoming a pain and too much $$.


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Active Member
10/29/22~~Posts are finally caught up to current date...

Bunch of pictures of sad leaves :(

A little water and nutrient history:
  • 09/05: Planted in seed starter mix
    • watered with distilled +calmag until xplanted
  • 09/29: Transplanted into stonington blend
    • Watered in with distilled water +kangaroots 5ml/gal
  • 10/02: Not soaking the entire substrate, only approx 500ml was given per plant (in fact I never presoaked the soil before transplanting which may have been a mistake)
    • Distilled water + calmag
    • Foxfarm Grow Big: 5ml/gal, half recommended dosage
    • F!shshit: 5ml/gal
    • pH=6.5
    • EC=0.7mS
  • 10/04: Increased amount of water to 1200mL per plant
    • Distilled water + calmag
    • Foxfarm Grow Big: 7.5ml/gal, 3/4 recommended dosage
    • F!shshit: 5ml/gal
    • pH=6.8
    • EC=1.1mS
  • 10/15: Increased amount of water again to approximately 4.7L per plant, this is 25% of container capacity (this may have been too much)
    • Distilled water, no calmag this time
    • Foxfarm Grow Big: 15ml/gal, full dosage (why did I do this?)
    • F!shshit: 5ml/gal
    • pH=6.5
    • EC=1.2mS
  • 10/26: Slightly less water this, taking too long to dry out I think, gave approx 1 gal per plant, around 20% container capacity.


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Active Member
Next seven posts are photos from 10/26 defoliation. Lots of issues to diagnose...or perhaps one overarching issue.

Some of these are spooky...check out the bubbly ones...that's not good.


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Active Member
Yeah I get that it’s always good to prep your soil and sanitize it before introducing it to your grow all soils from stores and wherever are bound to have soemthing in them you don’t want in your grow
Sanitize the soil you say? Interesting! What sort of prep do you like to do for your soil?


Active Member
I use organic dry amendments from Dr Earth with just a little Epsom salt added for extra Magnesium. Hopefully someone with recent Fox Farm's experience can help you on what to feed with their line. As a basic starting point I used 50% of what they recommended when I used chemical nutes and then upped it until I saw slight nute burn. I'd back it off a little bit from that and try to keep them getting 10%-15% runoff to avoid building up salts in the soil.
I'd recommend trying to use your tap water unless it's really bad. The plants are fine with just about anything fit for you to drink. Getting a water report is usually free and available online for most city water. Well water should be fine unless it's really hard. Buying distilled water gets to be a pain and adds up money wise as you grow. Using tap water most plants will never need Cal Mag, there's plenty in most soil and base fertilizer recipes.
Thank you for the feedback :)

I think I saw Dr. Earth at my local shop, was thinking of giving it a go. Not sure if I'm too late in the grow to give them a top dress, they are near week eight, genetics say 10 weeks to flower but they are photoperiod so I can push that further if I understand correctly. I was looking into compost teas and sprout slurries as well for beefing soil up.

I did recently test my tap pH (which maybe isn't a big concern in soil?...I see lots of conflicting info there) and EC / TDS; water was slightly alkaline around 7.8-8.1, EC=0.2-0.3, TDS=113-204ppm. This seemed reasonable to me, so I decided to switch from distilled to tap.


Well-Known Member
Noticed you had a bit of a slow start, Just out of interest, how much light were you giving them at the start? At three weeks I'd expect seven or eight developed nodes generally with lower nodes having two or three of their own nodes, but I have noticed a lot of people running lower intensities getting slower node progression.

I'm at day 16 ATM and pushing out the 7th node running 12/12 from seed, but have been giving 700umol/s from germ.


Active Member
Noticed you had a bit of a slow start, Just out of interest, how much light were you giving them at the start? At three weeks I'd expect seven or eight developed nodes generally with lower nodes having two or three of their own nodes, but I have noticed a lot of people running lower intensities getting slower node progression.

I'm at day 16 ATM and pushing out the 7th node running 12/12 from seed, but have been giving 700umol/s from germ.
Hello, thank you for taking a look and commenting!

As seedlings they had 250-300umol/m^2/s, increased gradually up to 600 around transplanting time. They are still at 600, lights are 30" from canopy and intensity is set at ~65%, increasing ~5% a day as of yesterday.

I don't have a proper ppfd meter; I was using a phone app for little bit, photone, which is pretty nifty but perhaps not at all accurate. Screen has cracks so that definitely alters the light reading regardless of the apps accuracy.

I stopped using the phone app and I've been using a 3-in-1 pH/light/moisture meter to at least gauge the intensity, but I can't find from the manufacturer what units of measure their meter uses and I suspect it isn't ppfd, likely lux or something, either way this meter isn't a very accurate way to measure ppfd. It tends to show a little higher than the photone app.

Until I can afford a decent meter, I've been trying to go off how the plants look and being a beginner that has proved difficult, hah!
They did seem to be growing a little slow, but I was concerned because turning the light up seemed to be burning the tips, but that could have been unrelated and then I starved them for light. Would you agree they seemed a little stretchy as babies?

ps Your plants are looking beautiful and luscious!

Thanks again,
Take care!
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Active Member
Some pictures with lights off from last night.
Tried to get some shots of the currently struggling leaves.

Post 1/3

