Jack and Cindy 420w CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of hype of using molasses so I've decided to finish this grow using the expert gardener very mildly with molasses.. could be a nightmare, could be just what the ladies needed, we will see.

Here they are today looking alright, but I'm really noticing the leaf tips starting to point down. :(

I will still buy the fox farm trio for my next grows, but for now I'll finish with what I have.





Well-Known Member

So I'm really digging the way Jack is growing. She fills up the room with a good smelling dank, and rubbing the leaves or a stem seems very minty. The buds on her smell great, they are forming nice and dense already. Upon tying her down the other day I snapped a branch right down the middle a good half inch, where she was topped. I wrapped a bit of string around her boo boo and she healed just fine, but her stems are very fragile they will snap off easily. I was trying to get her spread out a bit more, but it is what it is. A bit of heat stress as well with the pointy leaf tips..

Cindy is looking good as well, no stink as expected. Rubbing her stem and touching the buds lets off a nice fruity smell. Buds on her are sparse like usual, i have yet to see some dense nugs come off a cindy. She is so easy to tie down since she gets very lengthy, she can bend and twist all through flower without risking snapping anything, very flexible.



Well-Known Member
Nice grow brotha. Don't use grandmas molasses though you should get blackstrap unsulphered molasses I've used it before with great results better trichome production and my blueberry x og blew up with smell very sweet berry and mango smell.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow brotha. Don't use grandmas molasses though you should get blackstrap unsulphered molasses I've used it before with great results better trichome production and my blueberry x og blew up with smell very sweet berry and mango smell.
Have you used Grandmas? Its the same shit.


Well-Known Member
Okay well I guess I can't say not to use it I've never personally used that brand but I know for a fact I can back up blackstrap. Lemme know how grandmas works for ya dude.


Well-Known Member
Scrapped the expert gardener fertilizer, and now using fox farms trio and advanced nutes on the way! I will post results in a couple days.


Well-Known Member

37 days into flower (time is flying!) Just started feeding Tiger and Big Blooms. A lot of yellowing going on, also starting to see some purple hints with the Jack. Both smell wonderful, but Jack takes the cake with stinkiness. Take a look and let me know what you think!





Well-Known Member
jack as of right now is shittin on cindy.
ewweeee! nive grow man. :clap:
Ya its looking like it, Jack looks more mature, but I think they are both holding around the same amount of buds, Cindy is just spaced out more.

So howd the molasses work out for ya bro?
Not going to know until a taste test, but then again I'm also using different nutes. Just applying it because what a lot of growers claim. I'm no expert and I'm not growing side to side comparisons so I'll probably never know if it made a difference. I've been adding about 1/2 a teaspoon to every gallon every feeding (about 5 days), probably not even enough to make a difference, but I can't help but look at how syrupy it is, and then putting it into my soil. Cindy is smelling nice and sweet though, which is usually not normal until last few weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
I stopped fcking around and went for a Heavy Feeding on both plants with Big Bloom. Thats 1/2 a cup to a gallon. Its been a full day now and no notice of nute burn or irregular behavior.