Hey everyone hows it going. This is my 2nd grow. 1st time growing hydroponically. Im 8 1/2 weeks in and i just wanna get it right. Im really depending on this crop. I have some pics for u all and sorry i cant get a good pic of the trichs. The sugar leaves have the cloudy trichs with about 1/4 being amber. The actual buds have all cloudy trichs with very very few being amber. Do u guys think they look ready to harvest or should i let em keep going. I completely snapped a branch when i was changing out the res on some ones in there 3rd week of flower. The last pic is of buds that were chopped at 7 and a half weeks. Im interested in others opinions. One more thing... is it better to be a week early or a week late?



Well-Known Member
The plant in pic six looks like it needs more time, most pistils should be brown, still developing? Have you noticed if calyxes have stopped growing? That's Sannies jackberry in my avatar, didn't find any purple phenotypes sadly but excellent smoke and berry scent.
Ive started getting hints of purple both nothibg likw ive seen in pics on the internet. Its hard to fins others growing jack berry im not sure why its noy more popular. The bag appeal is 10/10 and berry smell is inticing. In my opinion and this is an opinion based on two grows is the purp comes out later in the grow with a cooler temp. But hey what do i know lol. Im andious to see my weight on this first 6. I grew 4 last time and got 2zips per plant in soil. Im growing DWC this time and for sure have bigger plants. Im expecting 3 to 4 prr plant. I need to utilize a net or supercropping with a net bc they stretched more than i anticipated and buds are falling ober everywhere. Trying my best to support them. My inexperience def showed in my jungle although im still proud of my outcome just a lot of room for improvement.
This bud has purp peeking through.. im wondering if its deffinciecy rather than the a pheno with purp bc its all from the same mother. Any incite on what u have experienced would be great man ive never cam across someonelse growin JB


Hey DesertGrow I was wondering if u would be willing to send some pics of your JB when u have a chance? To answer your question i havnt noticed anymore growth in the calyxes. Weeek 7 to 8 they bleww up. Week 8 to 9 the only real changee ive seen is that the pistils that were still white have stared changing colors and the ones that were orange have gotten darker and receiding back into the calyxes