Jacked up leaves


Well-Known Member
Some of my leaves look like they are being eaten by bugs but upon investigation there isn't a single bug to be found (even looked under a microscope). What can cause this?


Well-Known Member
I think I figured it out seems i was deficient in maganese because i was ph'ing my water to 6.3 like hempy instructed. So i lowered it down to 5.8 and the leaf shredding has stopped nothing but healthy looking leaves growning in will see how they are after another week. Just to make sure it was the maganese.


Well-Known Member
If it was an old hole, when the leaves get bigger it stretches the hole/tear
Haha. I remember the first time that happened to me. A cricket or something nibbled on new growth. 4 weeks later I seriously thought I needed to carry a gun in the house. *Big* bite marks.

@screediu Some of those leaves look cupped and rolling over. The rolling over makes me think mg deficiency is on the horizon. Especially if there hasn't been recent heat stress.