JAMA Study Links Opiate Abuse With Trump Support


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Same meds as being opiates, but different chemical compound. Almost like saying Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis are the same because they all are weeds. I myself can handle Hydrocodone, but not Oxycodone in any form. Much to strong for me. That shit is important to know is my point
That's you though. For me they I didn't notice much of a difference.
Pepsi and coke are similar :shock:. Shame on you. You are not American:D
I prefer coke.

My point was that the medicines are similar in strength and action.

There is a slight difference. That's why I said similar.


Well-Known Member
Oxy is about 50% stronger vs Hyrdo.

It takes 5mg of oxy to equal 7.5mg Hydro, but the Oxy lasts long, and comes on faster, and is generally the better pain reliever, but is harder on your stomach. Which of course it would be.

Its Friggin 50% stronger!!!!

I cant stand the stuff myself. Ive had shoulder, both shin, Radial and carpal decompression. 2 x lateral meniscusectomies, ulnar nerve transposition, and NEVER took 1 pain pill. Nasty shit. IMHO.

BUT, everyones brain chemistry is different, and while I may hate them, some will like them better than chocolate cake, or sex.

While I live in the epicenter of pill country,... North East Ky....Near Huntington Wva.. Who is #1 Epicenter...... and I despise tRump, this Fentanyl/Oxy/Meth thing has been going on before tRump, though I will also state.

I know a lot of pill heads, and bikers who love tRump. I know lots of people in hillbilly motorcycle gangs, and not that I hang with them, Ive known many since grade school, and they went their way, I went mine, and thats what that is. And they fly their confederate flags, do all kinds/make meth, and narcotics, shoot coke ect where 60% of the IV users in East Ky are Hep C Positive, and don't know it. Hep C, and Hep A.. EPIDEMIC, where I live. They love tRump.

All Fast Food, Grocery Employees, or anyone else that handles food is Mandatory to get a Hep A shot before you can work within the county.

When I got out of federal prison in 2009, and was at the halfway house for 6 months, I was also housed with State prisoners.

Dudes were making Meth upstairs in the bathroom. Shake and Bake.

Guy Ive known for 30+ years can do 6 x 80mg Oxy, in 1 shot, and then 20 minutes later do 4 more. Youre a lightweight.

When I was 14 I shot 5 x K4 Dilaudid in 1 shot. Oh yeah. I FLASHED. But that the point. Junkies love the flash. If you don't flash, its a bummer.
We used to drink Orange Crush back in the early 70s ( 72 ) when I did shit like that. I quit all that shit 8-1-76. Except weed. I used to love to shoot PCP/LSD/Desoxyn/MDA/Pharma Coke/Tuinal/Seconal. Anything.

But I shot IV 95 units1:1000 Epinephrine/Adrenaline and was the end of my drug career. Quit cigs too.
Thanks for the info. It isn't something I ever want to be around, let alone become an expert on.


Well-Known Member
They are fairly similar in action and strength. Oxycodone is a bit stronger but what made it more popular was that there are two versions. One is oxycodone with Tylenol. Very simar to hydrocodone and Tylenol. Either would be 5-10 mg of pain medicine per pill.

Then there is oxycotin. That is oxycodone with no tylenol and up to 80mg per pill.

Now they come out with a hydrocodone pill similar with no tylenol and up to 80mg.

The you have the stronger derivatives of the two that your liver makes when they break down. Hydromorphone and oxymorphone.

These medicines should only be used for short term accute trama, cancer or end of life.

The pharmaceutical companies in the 90's started pushing hard for these drugs to be used on chronic pain and such. Opiates are horrible for that and will actually make people hurt worse.

I'm lucky. I was put on opiates. Several of them. I wised up and decided not to take them anymore. I wasn't addicted to them. My body was dependant in them. It wasn't pleasant coming off them. I was on a long acting and a short acting. Not very huge doses but the body get accustomed to them over time. I probably should have tapered but I didn't. Cold turkey.

Sometimes people are in pain and miserable. They don't want to hurt.

Cannabis works a lot better for pain and even other various ailments. Some don't have access or it's illegal.

More needs to be done about that. There are studies that show that cannabis can even help people get off opiates.
Appreciate the heads up. Stories like yours keep me away from those drugs. I took only a few pills over the first couple days after my appendectomy and because I still hurt AND felt like shit, I quit taking them and just smoked weed. It worked much better.

I don't even want them if I'm terminal. I want to die with a clear head and conscience.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your loss as well.

I'm a big stats guy. I've known forever about the huge death totals from prescribed drugs. But when it happens to your family, it brings it home like numbers never can.
Oh wow. I'm so sorry, I can't even imagine.

We have the world's most expensive medical system, but it's far from the best.


Well-Known Member
Hell I just did educate you, did you not see that I said one is much stronger with different side effects.
Do your homework and stop typing shitpost...and if you have zero knowledge about something don't comment on it. Just come in and add a recipe or something. I hear you enjoy cooking as well as running makeup errands. You sure you not a female ?
You mad?

You didn't educate, you just ranted like an asshole.

Then several people with actual experience schooled you, fool.

Now that I know the measure of your character, I'll never take you seriously again.

Have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
You mad?

You didn't educate, you just ranted like an asshole.

Then several people with actual experience schooled you, fool.

Now that I know the measure of your character, I'll never take you seriously again.

Have a nice day!
Man you sound like a pissed off female.
Did you snap your fingers and roll your eyes when you told me to have a nice day.lol
Please tell who I was schooled by ? Oxy and Hydrocodone are not the same narcotics, just in the same class list as opiates. Like saying fentanyl is the same as methadone because they both are opiates. Different compounds.
Do your homework