January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Yer a hard man Roger! :lol:
you have no fucking idea...i'd just cut off all federal funding to republican states that act up and cry that they want special treatment. any district represented by a magat that voted against the build back better plan? they get not one red motherfucking cent...let their representatives explain why the rest of their state is getting money to make improvements, but they aren't...
i'd just walk into the supreme court building and kick the 6 lying, perjurering, deceitful pieces of fouls shit out of the building, straight into the street, where they belong. and i'm not sure i would quit kicking while they were laying there.
trump? shot in the face, and his family jailed for 20 years, with no parole. every magat "freedumb train" rider? kicked the fuck out of government service, DEEPLY investigated, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for any crimes.
republicans are fucking criminals, almost to a man...there are a very few who just made one bad choice, which was joining a party of criminal fucks...
Sworn testimony threat has since been backed up by multiple sources and they will get to the bottom of it, everything will be revealed. It's not just Trump acting like a monkey in the SUV, it's Pence's security detail too and the threat to their lives, many in the service didn't like Tony Ornado and his Praetorian guard with his buddy appointed by Trump to run the service. Well now the world is falling on them and some will end up in prison for destruction of evidence, a very serious crime, others will be fired, the lucky ones will be reassigned and blackballed. There were only around a couple of dozen bad apples at most. Now that they are on to it all those involved will be hauled before grand juries and the JP panel as well as the homeland security oversight committee, Benny Thompson chairs that one too. Even the national archives will prosecute these guys FFS.
Yes I have heard of global warming hoax. View attachment 5170915

So if you support it, just call your energy supplier and cut the cord. Get you some solar panels and get it done already. Ohh it will be made in China? And wait to see if you ever recoup your money, but wait...you want someone else to pay for it.:D
I have a 2016 car that has 20,000 km on it. I have a bike that has seen a lot of miles on it. The power generated in my province is hydroelectric, powered by the sun. Global warming is not a hoax. I took a picture of a creek one year in January as it had open water on it. Never seen that in 30 years. Since then the creak has had open water almost every month in winter. We used to walk on it with no worries, not any more. Farmers are growing crops such as corn here where they did not when I was a kid as the growing season is longer now. Also we have more pests move north that we never had to worry about before. At the turn of the century (too lazy to look up the exact year) a ship made the trip through the Arctic from the Pacific to the Adlantic, something that was never possible before. Since then many ships have taken the trip. And on and on...
Seems like a nice young man with a pleasant smile. ANTIFA does not really exist, except in your head.

However the oath keepers, proud boys and a host of other domestic terrorist nuts jobs do exist and are in court now or prison, for sacking the capitol and other terrorist acts, they support Trump, just like you... They also have the same "fuzzyheaded greater cause" as you, a civil warrior stupid enough to be still carrying Trump's water, it's getting heavier everyday as other people drop the load of shit on their backs.