January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Like you can talk, you idiot. I'd try to bring something to the table, but I am afraid you just wouldnt understand it. Its not STICK or WOOD or HOT STUFF - that what you cavemen think, isnt it? Go drag your knuckles somewhere else.
See, this is much more fun than facebook, we largely police ourselves.
Bro anytime someone brings up you being a white male there opinion is as useless as their offspring will be, these liberals don't run the cannabis world, WE voted for this, FUCK THEM, THEYRE STUPID.
You are right. Liberals don't run the cannabis world.

We have made it possible for people to enjoy the herb without fear of prosecution. More states are legalizing. Even the laggards controlled by Republicans.

You may thank me now.
Trump's administration was hostile to states that legalized the sale and distribution of MJ.

But hey! If you would vote for Trump on the mistaken belief he will act in your interest, I'm good with that. Now that that is settled, I would like to introduce you to a Nigerian prince who just sent me an e-mail message regarding a wonderful opportunity to help him get his stolen money back and enrich yourself at the same time.
Trump administration was not hostile to legal states at all, I live in Michigan, trump was great for michigan.you spout out lies (with zero policy made to back your claim) your a clown. Give me an example of hostility towards pro pot states? You can't, cause you care more about "feeling" right then actually presenting facts. Everything y'all bring to the argument is trump said this, or trump made this gesture, your too stupid to vote on policy, so you vote exactly how theedia tells you to. Anti American clown, I'm a vet with a trade degree arguing with some 25 year old growing in his mom's basement, I need to test runoff, I don't have time for this, see ya at the polls. Not looking good for blue, what was that MSNBC said the other day about Biden? Oh yeah LOWEST APPROVAL RATING OF ANY PRESIDENT IN U S. HISTORY. You know what's funny? Trumps was one of the highest until your party politicized a GLOBAL pandemic, y'all clown blamed it on Trump like he ran every nation in the world. GTFOMF, AMERICA.
Trump administration was not hostile to legal states at all, I live in Michigan, trump was great for michigan.you spout out lies (with zero policy made to back your claim) your a clown. Give me an example of hostility towards pro pot states? You can't, cause you care more about "feeling" right then actually presenting facts. Everything y'all bring to the argument is trump said this, or trump made this gesture, your too stupid to vote on policy, so you vote exactly how theedia tells you to. Anti American clown, I'm a vet with a trade degree arguing with some 25 year old growing in his mom's basement, I need to test runoff, I don't have time for this, see ya at the polls. Not looking good for blue, what was that MSNBC said the other day about Biden? Oh yeah LOWEST APPROVAL RATING OF ANY PRESIDENT IN U S. HISTORY. You know what's funny? Trumps was one of the highest until your party politicized a GLOBAL pandemic, y'all clown blamed it on Trump like he ran every nation in the world. GTFOMF, AMERICA.

Trump administration was not hostile to legal states at all, I live in Michigan, trump was great for michigan.you spout out lies (with zero policy made to back your claim) your a clown. Give me an example of hostility towards pro pot states? You can't, cause you care more about "feeling" right then actually presenting facts. Everything y'all bring to the argument is trump said this, or trump made this gesture, your too stupid to vote on policy, so you vote exactly how theedia tells you to. Anti American clown, I'm a vet with a trade degree arguing with some 25 year old growing in his mom's basement, I need to test runoff, I don't have time for this, see ya at the polls. Not looking good for blue, what was that MSNBC said the other day about Biden? Oh yeah LOWEST APPROVAL RATING OF ANY PRESIDENT IN U S. HISTORY. You know what's funny? Trumps was one of the highest until your party politicized a GLOBAL pandemic, y'all clown blamed it on Trump like he ran every nation in the world. GTFOMF, AMERICA.
You are wrong. Is it because you are brainwashed or do you know you are full of shit?
Screen Shot 2022-01-06 at 4.10.05 PM.png

It says I'm a good man and father. Not some soy fuck boy pedophile defending douche. You can take your LGBTQ agenda and put it as far up your ass as that cock can push it.
Yet you defend Trump making this statement by you seem like you are lying. It is confusing. But not surprising that you would believe you 'know' what Trump and the Republican want to trick people into believing so that you ignore the shit they are pulling on you people that will still vote for their con.

Trump administration was not hostile to legal states at all, I live in Michigan, trump was great for michigan.you spout out lies (with zero policy made to back your claim) your a clown. Give me an example of hostility towards pro pot states? You can't, cause you care more about "feeling" right then actually presenting facts. Everything y'all bring to the argument is trump said this, or trump made this gesture, your too stupid to vote on policy, so you vote exactly how theedia tells you to. Anti American clown, I'm a vet with a trade degree arguing with some 25 year old growing in his mom's basement, I need to test runoff, I don't have time for this, see ya at the polls. Not looking good for blue, what was that MSNBC said the other day about Biden? Oh yeah LOWEST APPROVAL RATING OF ANY PRESIDENT IN U S. HISTORY. You know what's funny? Trumps was one of the highest until your party politicized a GLOBAL pandemic, y'all clown blamed it on Trump like he ran every nation in the world. GTFOMF, AMERICA.
Sessions went after Oregon. That is a fact. We had to defend our nascent MJ industry from him.

Republicans oppose legalization of MJ. The large majority of the US do not. That made all the difference.
If you believe systemic racism is prevalent in our systems of government, you would understand people of colour face racism constantly.

Do you believe our systems (Canadian and American) of government are inherently racist?
My answer is yes, but there is more to it.

A long time ago, before modern times, groups would conquer others. Its been this way from the beginning of time.

The Chinese took over what is now china, the Vikings, the Spaniards. They would often kill off the male populations and breed with the women.

A group of white men sailed to America and slaughtered indigenous populations and claimed the land as their own. These men then fought for thier independence from the British and made what is today America. This group of white men made a constitutional republic, with a bill of rights. These were god gieven rights that could not be taken away by any others, including a majority of people. Back in those days, there were slaves. It wasnt a matter of right or wrong at the time, it was how society was. These white men were not the first, or last to own slaves.

Then, the northerners fought the southerners, they won and free'd the slaves. They made amendments to the constitution to help reflect the change in society.

Was America built on racist principals? Sure, because at the time it was acceptable. We then changed and foguht to make things eaual. Many immigrants from all over the world came to America. Irish, who were treated poorly. Asians, who were put in camps after peal harbor was bombed. Blacks, Arabs. And here we are today.

Many people lived prosperous lives, including my great grand father who came from Ireland.

Asians are one of the wealthiest minorities in america today.

Its a big mixing pot of cultures that is unlike any other nation in the world.

I was born white, and who I am was never a choice. Immoral things white people have done in the past, speaks for them. All I can speak for, or apologize if I want to, is my own actions.

I would be lying if I said I havent done wrong, but I am still proud of who I am.

Do some others have it worse than others? Yes, it depends on uncontrolable factors some that have to do with skin color or social class you were born in.

There is no such thing as a perfect society, a utopia, if you say. There never will be.

My opinion, we are one of the best countries in the world, and though perfection will never be reached, continuous progress is what we fight for and will continue to do so.
I didn't say sense of humour. I don't find the man funny in any sense of the word.

My point is - he sees it as nothing to shove other world leaders out of the way, so that he is centre stage for the picture, without giving a shit about how it looks to everyone else. He does things that would make the average person shrink in embarrassment, yet he still walks around like people adore him.

Maybe my definition is wrong - I know that having a thick skin can mean you can take a joke, but its also meant in a derogatory sense too, at least from round my way.
It might be here vs. there. Here I have only heard it to mean “slow to respond to insult”.
The lack of compassion you describe gets other handy metaphors applied.

I'm just now listening to Biden's address he made this morning. Wow, he didn't pull any punches regarding what Trump did. Makes me think they have some real hard evidence in hand. But what he said is going to get them riled up, especially when right wing media tells them what to think about it.

We can expect a horde of triggered MAGAts coming here to vent.
Again!!!!!! Some bullshit claims with ZERO evidence to back it up. I remember this bullshit, he told NY they had to wait on ventilators and your perfect absolute, good, strong hono........ Ope, nevermind, he had the step down for being a losing piece of shit, but here you are believing his lies anyway. also this has nothing to do with legal weed, NOTHING DUMBASS. Y'all liberal mayor's and governors in your states present you with the worse living conditions in the nation, the highest taxes homelessness and crime but you all stand here and suck up their lies blaming Trump, y'alls states and cities are falling apart because of your leftist policies, pretty easy to look at the rest of the nation to draw that conclusion. You pay more then anyone in taxes and these evil ducks just keep lieing and STICKING your money in their pocket claiming they need it to help the poor. But y'all are so worried about being wrong you just f****** let them do it.
My answer is yes, but there is more to it.

A long time ago,

I stopped reading after this.

Unless I’m watching Star Wars, I don’t continue with stories that start with “A long time ago”, anymore.

If you really believe the answer is “yes”, you would realize how stupid your earlier comment was.

I'm just now listening to Biden's address he made this morning. Wow, he didn't pull any punches regarding what Trump did. Makes me think they have some real hard evidence in hand. But what he said is going to get them riled up, especially when right wing media tells them what to think about it.

We can expect a horde of triggered MAGAts coming here to vent.
Wow, you really are hopeless.
My answer is yes, but there is more to it.

A long time ago, before modern times, groups would conquer others. Its been this way from the beginning of time.

The Chinese took over what is now china, the Vikings, the Spaniards. They would often kill off the male populations and breed with the women.

A group of white men sailed to America and slaughtered indigenous populations and claimed the land as their own. These men then fought for thier independence from the British and made what is today America. This group of white men made a constitutional republic, with a bill of rights. These were god gieven rights that could not be taken away by any others, including a majority of people. Back in those days, there were slaves. It wasnt a matter of right or wrong at the time, it was how society was. These white men were not the first, or last to own slaves.

Then, the northerners fought the southerners, they won and free'd the slaves. They made amendments to the constitution to help reflect the change in society.

Was America built on racist principals? Sure, because at the time it was acceptable. We then changed and foguht to make things eaual. Many immigrants from all over the world came to America. Irish, who were treated poorly. Asians, who were put in camps after peal harbor was bombed. Blacks, Arabs. And here we are today.

Many people lived prosperous lives, including my great grand father who came from Ireland.

Asians are one of the wealthiest minorities in america today.

Its a big mixing pot of cultures that is unlike any other nation in the world.

I was born white, and who I am was never a choice. Immoral things white people have done in the past, speaks for them. All I can speak for, or apologize if I want to, is my own actions.

I would be lying if I said I havent done wrong, but I am still proud of who I am.

Do some others have it worse than others? Yes, it depends on uncontrolable factors some that have to do with skin color or social class you were born in.

There is no such thing as a perfect society, a utopia, if you say. There never will be.

My opinion, we are one of the best countries in the world, and though perfection will never be reached, continuous progress is what we fight for and will continue to do so.
Something I found interesting that I hadn't considered that I heard the other day, we were the first nation to racialize slavery. Here it was almost exclusively black people who were slaves, while everywhere else it was pretty much anyone that could end up being a slave.

Sorry just a 2 cent post not trying to start anything.

Also I did want to mention that I didn't mean to include your post in the 'you're suspect' one I made earlier, I think I was going to respond to it and didn't see it was still in there. Sorry about that.

Wow, you really are hopeless.
By 'hopeless' do you mean to be converted into your cult?

Again!!!!!! Some bullshit claims with ZERO evidence to back it up. I remember this bullshit, he told NY they had to wait on ventilators and your perfect absolute, good, strong hono........ Ope, nevermind, he had the step down for being a losing piece of shit, but here you are believing his lies anyway. also this has nothing to do with legal weed, NOTHING DUMBASS. Y'all liberal mayor's and governors in your states present you with the worse living conditions in the nation, the highest taxes homelessness and crime but you all stand here and suck up their lies blaming Trump, y'alls states and cities are falling apart because of your leftist policies, pretty easy to look at the rest of the nation to draw that conclusion. You pay more then anyone in taxes and these evil ducks just keep lieing and STICKING your money in their pocket claiming they need it to help the poor. But y'all are so worried about being wrong you just f****** let them do it.