January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Leftist censorship and a selective enforcement of the rules? yay! no more mean tweets, we are all safe from the meanie man now. blue hair prevails! woot woot, words are bad
Conspiracy to overthrow the government is not protected speech but that's not why he was banned from all of the major social media sites. He repeatedly broke their rules about telling dangerous lies. He was warned time and time again. There should consequences for people who repeatedly break the rules. Do you not agree?
Conspiracy to overthrow the government is not protected speech but that's not why he was banned from all of the major social media sites. He repeatedly broke their rules about telling dangerous lies. He was warned time and time again. There should consequences for people who repeatedly break the rules. Do you not agree?
He surely lied more than any president in my lifetime, but im a staunch believer in free speech, so no i think banning anyone for speaking is silly and a slippery slope. A literal call for violence is another story. I honestly very rarely use twitter and didnt follow trump (im not a fan of the guy, believe it or not) Do you remember exactly what he said that was a "conspiracy to overthrow the government"?
i don't think you are 1. black and 2. independent but surely you can't agree with this, right?

You are correct. I'm not "black".

My mother is black my father is arab from what is considered (mena) or North Africa/middle east.

My extended family consists of white/white, black/black, black/arab, arab/hispanic, hispanic/white, black/white.

I most certainly am a die hard independent.

As for biden watering down a racist "republican" crime bill? It was Hillary that said we need to bring these "black superpredator negros to heel"!!!

yeah, not all minorities fall for the dems divisive bullshit.
You are correct. I'm not "black".

My mother is black my father is arab from what is considered (mena) or North Africa/middle east.

My extended family consists of white/white, black/black, black/arab, arab/hispanic, hispanic/white, black/white.

I most certainly am a die hard independent.

As for biden watering down a racist "republican" crime bill? It was Hillary that said we need to bring these "black superpredator negros to heel"!!!

yeah, not all minorities fall for the dems divisive bullshit.
but what about Trump?!?!?!?! what about what about? you cant talk about not liking the shit filled diaper man in charge without some what abouts on the last guy, even if you didnt like or vote for him either. Its so much easier to just play what about
You are correct. I'm not "black".

My mother is black my father is arab from what is considered (mena) or North Africa/middle east.

My extended family consists of white/white, black/black, black/arab, arab/hispanic, hispanic/white, black/white.

I most certainly am a die hard independent.

As for biden watering down a racist "republican" crime bill? It was Hillary that said we need to bring these "black superpredator negros to heel"!!!

yeah, not all minorities fall for the dems divisive bullshit.
Some fall for right wing propaganda pretending like Democrats are pushing the divisive bullshit that their hate mongers tell their right wing cultists that the left wing are saying though.

Leftist censorship and a selective enforcement of the rules? yay! no more mean tweets, we are all safe from the meanie man now. blue hair prevails! woot woot, words are bad
He surely lied more than any president in my lifetime, but im a staunch believer in free speech, so no i think banning anyone for speaking is silly and a slippery slope. A literal call for violence is another story. I honestly very rarely use twitter and didnt follow trump (im not a fan of the guy, believe it or not) Do you remember exactly what he said that was a "conspiracy to overthrow the government"?
If anyone actually gave a shit they would look it up for themselves and not expect others to chase their tails.

but what about Trump?!?!?!?! what about what about? you cant talk about not liking the shit filled diaper man in charge without some what abouts on the last guy, even if you didnt like or vote for him either. Its so much easier to just play what about
lol. What about Biden economy in his first year cleaning up the economic catastrophe that Trump left behind? Or what about Obama's last three years being economically better than Trump's first three years in almost every single way?

The Republicans suck for our economy, but are great for the mega wealthy, why is it do you think that the right wing propagandists try so hard to trick their cult into thinking otherwise?
You guys are arguing about which pedophile is worse or which storming of a capitol building is worse than the other. This whole fucking discussion is fucked up...
You guys are arguing about which pedophile is worse or which storming of a capitol building is worse than the other. This whole fucking discussion is fucked up...
Nope, just more 'both sides' bullshit being spread. There is only one pedophile in this, unless you are pretending like the right wing trolling of Biden is reality.

Do we have to show you all the creepy shit Trump did? I mean, one does not follow the other. Biden did make some people uncomfortable in how he touched them. Trump did rape, molest, abuse and demean women. Both were not acceptable behavior. Biden apologized. When has Trump ever said "I'm sorry" to anybody, much less the woman who was 14 at the time Trump raped her and then threatened to kill if she admitted it. So there it is. The hypocrisy of the radical right. Your kind don't even mention Trump's abusive if not criminal behavior, then post up some uncomfortable images about Biden. As if you cared.
radical right? lmfaoooooooo oh lord the internet is a wild place. Lock Trump up and throw away the key. you seem need to think i give a fuck about the guy, i couldnt care less if he goes to prison for the rest of his days, buddy. Thats all you have lol
Nope, just more 'both sides' bullshit being spread. There is only one pedophile in this, unless you are pretending like the right wing trolling of Biden is reality.
Right wing propaganda... Shit... I've seen enough with Joe Biden's perverted, sick fuck. Touching young girls chest, poor girl looked horrified, moving his hand while trying to keep it together. Smelling kids hair, making them all feel totally uncomfortable. He is a sick fuck too. Fucking disgusting. Have fun making that right wing propaganda.

Am i saying it loud enough yet? Can you not fathom that someone would not like either side or its puppet mouthpieces? Watching yall play red vs blue echo chamber is cute shit though.
He surely lied more than any president in my lifetime, but im a staunch believer in free speech, so no i think banning anyone for speaking is silly and a slippery slope. A literal call for violence is another story. I honestly very rarely use twitter and didnt follow trump (im not a fan of the guy, believe it or not) Do you remember exactly what he said that was a "conspiracy to overthrow the government"?
Absolutely agree that the government shall not abridge the freedom of speech or the press. That does not apply to social media platforms. They make their own rules. If you don't like the laws, have them changed. That is, unless you support Republicans who act as though laws and the constitution don't apply to them.

Also, I laugh at this:


What republicans said:

To Kaep: Fire the bastard"

To Jan 6 vandals at the Capitol Building: "We love you, go home in peace"

Republicans don't support free speech, they only care about power, including suppressing the speech of people protesting police brutality while telling people who beat police, "we love you".
radical right? lmfaoooooooo oh lord the internet is a wild place. Lock Trump up and throw away the key. you seem need to think i give a fuck about the guy, i couldnt care less if he goes to prison for the rest of his days, buddy. Thats all you have lol


Ok, so it's time for some balance. Do tell, what criticism do you have for Republicans and their actions?
Right wing propaganda... Shit... I've seen enough with Joe Biden's perverted, sick fuck. Touching young girls chest, poor girl looked horrified, moving his hand while trying to keep it together. Smelling kids hair, making them all feel totally uncomfortable. He is a sick fuck too. Fucking disgusting. Have fun making that right wing propaganda.
You are a sick fuck for believing the worst in those pictures like some perv.

How many pictures do you have with tired angry kids who have had to sit through a long boring as event and wait to take a picture with some random old person? Just swallowing the propaganda that a few selectively timed pictures make it look means that someone is a molester just shows how brainwashed people can get.