jersey dealers


Active Member
So heres whats up: Our dealer sold us weed that we believe was laced with pcp, without telling us. Either he didnt know, or hes an ass hole. Anyways, we smoked a whole joint then had to go to the emergency room. Needless to say, we arent buying from that dealer any more, and we -definitely- arent paying for that weed. So, what I want to know if theres anyone on here in South Jersey who can shoot me a pm. Im lookin for somethin home grown. Let me know if you know anyone, thankya much.


Well-Known Member
Dude there are TONS of weed sold in your area dayly, if you cant find it in Jersey, make the trip to NYC, to use this site to make your next deal is stupid, for that matter, going to emergency room because of little PCP is pretty stupid.


Active Member
yeah well fuck you, we didnt know what the fuck it was and my bf thought he was having a fucking heart attack so shut the fuck up, if youre going to be a dickhead then just dont bother to respond


Active Member
yeah well id smoke some weed if i had someone to sell me some, thats what this whole post is about maaaaaaaaan, jeeze


Well-Known Member
thats why im growing my own bud. because ive had laced bud before and that shit isn't fun at all.


Well-Known Member
why do you think it was laced?? i mean what did they say at the ER? PCP isnt cheap and it seems kinda retarded to toss ???? worth of pcp into a ??? bag of pot. did you ask your dealer if he knows about it or any of the other ppl he sells to say anything?


Active Member
tell me about it man, it was the scariest experience of my life, thought he was gonna die. You wouldnt believe his heart rate and pressure and shit


Active Member
((why do you think it was laced?? i mean what did they say at the ER? PCP isnt cheap and it seems kinda retarded to toss ???? worth of pcp into a ??? bag of pot. did you ask your dealer if he knows about it or any of the other ppl he sells to say anything? ))__________________

yeah, thats what the people in the ER said, as well as a lot of other people ive told about it.


Active Member
i wouldn't necessarily trust their diagnosis. i had a buddy go to the ER and they said he was a dope addict. he smokes pretty much on the weekends and doesn't do anything else.


Well-Known Member
hay dude i've been threw the ringer with most prolley wasn't pcp ($$$) but it sounds like it was for sure laced.. could've been anything from coke to windex....shitty dealers will put anything in a crap sac.

but hay you're a good person for taking your friend to the doc..despite the risk....and hay ..if it was pcp it would have been crazy scary...stuff is intense so ya don't listen to em u did the same thing i'd have done.