JetDro does Sannie: The Sugar Punch is ON!!!


Well-Known Member
The Punch has been down a week....................................drying nicely......................

I'm gonna try me some..............................


Smell is WONDERFUL! This is Pheno #2 MY favorite the whole grow................................



Well-Known Member
Took some cuts from "friends" ...................funny, but 30 days after I received the cuts, MY ENTIRE grow is COVERED in MITES!!!!!
The Punch started off KILLER...............then just "stalled" about week 6 in flower................STRANGE leaf colors, drove me nuts.................

Getting old................eyes SUCK up close............DID NOT SEE THE DAMN LITTLE BASTARDS till my LADIES WERE COVERED!!!!!!!!
I mean COVERED!!!!!!
Go to see what is going on with the Punch...........................start looking close..............see white lil spots on the leaves...........go get my "cheaters"
OMG..................GD MITES!!!! Look under a leaf................FUCKING COVERED IN EGGS!!!!! GD it!!!!!!!! GD IT!!!!! GD IT!!!!!!

The Punch was literally covered in MITES,...............should have seen it from pics I posted HERE..............but I did not see them...............looking back, NOT SURE
how I missed them!!!!!

ALL my ladies WERE COVERED........................................

Been 4 days AT WAR with them...............believe I have WON, but the damage has been done!!!!!!

The Sugar Punch..............just REEKING and dripping with GOO @ weeks 4 and 5...............dried up, the fuckers about drained The Punch dry...............

I did catch them 1 week before harvest,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DRILLED their lil ass's and did have a harvest.........BUT, BUT....They killed my Punch Grow.
No mites on the Buds...............BUT, they went from dripping in goodness week 5................... to "dry" at week 7!!!!

The Punch was hammered...................BUT, she STILL PRODUCED over 1 oz average a plant(small plants) ALL BUDS are HARD, and as they dry, their
smell is coming back!!!! Close inspection of the Buds show COVERED in Tri's............COVERED!!!! Even hit by the Mites, I believe The Punch will live up to it's

WOW...................1st hit ..................DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!!!

Full smoke report later.....................I'm getting stoned...................................L8R,

