Jethro's Stealth CFL Closet Build and Grow


Well-Known Member
Yep Johnny is right, lots of times when you are getting near harvest time the leaves turn brown....all the nutes are being used up, it's all good.
you flush the plant and it uses the nutes stored up due to the lack of nutes from the root uptake and the leaves brown due to that. it also gives you a chem free harvest witch is the goal of the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever make a page of the listing of supplies, dimensions, and what not for this?
Also, would 2 120w floro bulbs be too big in a stacked container such as yours that is appox 41'X21'?

What info is needed from my lights to tell if they are more red or blue spectrum?


Well-Known Member
How far are we from harvest, and Jethro, can you take pics of the process and like how you cut the buds out, ya know? I'd personally appreciate that.


Well-Known Member
How far are we from harvest, and Jethro, can you take pics of the process and like how you cut the buds out, ya know? I'd personally appreciate that.

Not a problem. Today (July 13), will be day 46 of flowering. I'll grab some pictures later.

As for a build material list, this isn't the ideal solution. Remember, everytime you access the plants, it's from the top-down. VERY annoying.


Active Member
Not a problem. Today (July 13), will be day 46 of flowering. I'll grab some pictures later.

As for a build material list, this isn't the ideal solution. Remember, everytime you access the plants, it's from the top-down. VERY annoying.
JT.. I'm currently mimicking your setup right now..

I have noticed that from the Top access sucks, and i know I'm going to hate that part... but i think its th best stealth grow box for closet.

I can tuck it away in a corner of my closet.. and no1 will ever ask.
Thats what makes it so good and thats why i Rep'd you.


Well-Known Member
Hey, how are you controlling the temperature in your box?? Cause i finished bulding mine and it sometimes rises up to 100F and usualy stays between 90-100F. Is there some sort of mini air conditioner or a type of exaust i can set up to take the hot air out from the lights...

Note: Temps are without Pc Fans running....and i plan on purchasing a Desk clip fan but what they be enough??


Well-Known Member
I built mine and the average temp was around 88. But the top half got to 98 and the bottom half stayed around 82ish. I was running a 3 inch intake fan and a 4 inch exhaust fan. After seeing the temps, I added another exhaust fan and it seems to be doing the trick, I will post back with the average temp I get with the added fan.


Well-Known Member
I am keeping it inside, and now it is staying around 85, I think I am going to leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
Alright. Last night (the end of week 7) the plants got cut down. The resin glands were getting milky and it was time to go. Here's some pictures from harvest. The weight is unknown.



Well-Known Member
those are some nice looking buds jethro been following this for a while now cant wait to find out the end total although its how much it looks to me, and that looks a lot.


Active Member
cant wait for my grow to start... I'm just about done with the box.. now that i see it works awesome.. i cant wait to start I'm all psyched!

now off to have a :joint: and then bed... check back in the AM with you guys

Props again Jethro!

PS more pics of my setup to come
