Jimmys r/dwc 1800w doublegum scrog of doom


Well-Known Member
ok sorry ,i have been a busy little fuck lately
ok as far as updates go ,i fucked up a little ,not in a bad way just over-vegged a little but im sure i will get outa this
plants look real good and ph has been stable
heat is spot on and air flow great
now we have flicked 2 weeks ago and did not use a pgr or prg (whatever)
this has made a huge difference in stretch and has came back to rape my ass but i work something out
the product that i was using as prg was bud miser and it keeps the plants shorter and reduces stretch in the first 2 weeks of flowering
anyway its 3 week and things look good ,just wish i researched scrog growing a bit more because now i think i will putting another screen above the other one (fuck up i know)
a here are the pics let me know if ya have any input
and my camera wont work on this fucking pc so we will have to wait till i get home to upload (i know )


Well-Known Member
hahahahahah mold algae didnt grow for 3 weeks
so i built him a cheap dwc grow and already seeing improvements
he had a ebb and flow setup with no medium just the small cubes
and he was watering 6 times a day with 15 min feeds
but i got him up and running ,just gotta improve lighting and he will be among the free smokers of this world


Well-Known Member
Jim those are some monster stems on the big bushes. I have a good feeling about what buds they will produce.


Well-Known Member
yeah they are gonna get big but more importantly cause they stretched so much do ya think im gonna have ta screen em again
and rock its good to here from ya
any plans yet for rd 3


Well-Known Member
the pics of the small ones are big bud x ak47 i cant wait to see them fuckers go ,gonna top em and bush em until they are huge then straight into 12/12 no more veg for me


Well-Known Member
hey kids
thank you hemp ,i like a good trunk
any way i had a random plant growing in there and i think the fucker is a boy ,its a clone from a seed that we flowered for a week to tell sex and i was sure it was a she but the clone looks like balls ,im glad i saw it first


Active Member
baaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahah....over vegged? Little bit of an under statement mate. As hemp said you got fucking tree trunks dude lol.

Be interesting to see the yield as i would think thick stems = more nut uptake = larger buds?

As for the scrog itself its looking really good dude. Nice and bushy!! Yer fuck the male off because if you cock this grow up now you will get more than just a pow in the kisser :P


Well-Known Member
You said it skiz
it would be a major fuckup
I'll post pics tomoz of the male see if ya all agree
rock on Jimmy


Well-Known Member
not only do we have big chunky gals but we have colorful font! how fuckin excitin

more pics luv! mwa


Well-Known Member
Yep thanks kmoo
and might I add it's nice to hear from you
and I got the font idea from watching cam girls
when ya tip em they say thanks by blowing you a kiss then typing thank you in big pink font with a xxxx
god how cam girls filled in my time while my wife was away
Got a confirmed boy in the pack but his had the chop tonight and I rescreened the top of the plants to get em down and hold em up when the buds get bigger
3 week started today and they have been flushed and ready to go another week


Well-Known Member
you really ARE super busy eh, did you watch that preair yet? it was fucking awesome.

cam girls, mmmm, duffer.

pic pic pics!!!


Well-Known Member
Yep pics tonight
but they are gonna be hps photos ( sorry skiz)
the preair was sick it a shame I hate Nancy so fucking much and Shane is now playing the price of a fucked upbringing
what's happening kmoo
got any thing on the go? And new Internet plan 170g a month for 70 bucks
I will never run out of the net again


Well-Known Member
Looking Fat Jimmy Brotha!!
Yep pics tonight
but they are gonna be hps photos ( sorry skiz)
Get in there just before ur lights come on and take em. It wont hurt to wake em up 5 minutes early. So long as u dont wake em and put em back to sleep.. Thats when u get problems.
Your plants deserve better photos. Put them in large boxes, tape em up real good & send em to me. I will happy snap the hell out of them.