Jock Horror Soil Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my second set of plants. My first is a Chrystal plant(see signature).They are on day 14 already.

Here's them in order from plant 1-4



Well-Known Member
Ages ago when i picked nl x bb and bubblelicious from nirvana, they didnt have the bubble in to start with, so i originally got the jock, I had to take it back though because of the intensely long flowering time and the fact they get so tall.


Well-Known Member
I actually heard it can get up to like 12 weeks in some cases. a friend of mine tried it. unfortunately his were cut down at week 10 and they weren't anywhere near ready. I also plan on flowering very early cause my max height is about 4 feet. So I'll be flowering at around 8 inches.


Well-Known Member
Here's day 20 pictures. One of the plants had a nutrient deficiency, so I fed it, but did so too much.



New Member
What's that photobucket thing? Is that safe? I just clicked onto it and was taken aback. How come you're doing it like this now?

From the 1st pic I saw, the plants look fine, nice work.


New Member
They ALL look fine to me. I'm guessing the droopy one is the one you over-treated, but they look really healthy, vibrant plants to me.


Well-Known Member
No, the one with the browning leaf is. I treated them all with the same stuff, but the burnt one had a previous treating that the others did not. the droopy one is just..droopy, But it seems perfectly fine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm thinking of flowering these babies while I go on vacation for 10 days. I am worried though that the males will get big enough to pollinate my chrystal plant while I'm gone. is this possible?


Well-Known Member
they have to develop pollen sacs, then release it before affecting your fems. I actually let this happen and it took about 3 weeks from the time I saw the pollen sacs, to when they released the pollen. what a mess.


New Member
No, the one with the browning leaf is. I treated them all with the same stuff, but the burnt one had a previous treating that the others did not. the droopy one is just..droopy, But it seems perfectly fine.
I didn't notice that, all i noticed was what appeared to be nute splash on some lower leaves.


New Member
Actually. yes that's overnute. Sorry. Was going by my first look at the pic's, but on closer inspection it's def' overnute. Well done for rectifying the problem so quickly.