@nlsxk1 you must be used to living with these assholes. Oh that's right you've never lived anywhere else. Have you ever been treated like an "other"?
I came into this community with an open mind and just looking to get along. When I lived in nYC I used to take out my neighbors trash and help them carry groceries. My girl would babysit on occasion. We're friendly but people mind their own business.
Here people know who I am and what I drive before I even meet them. It's wierd the way people keep tabs on other people here. Just looking different means people keep tabs on you. Even in khakis and a button down dress shirt it's the same.
Shit and here I thought potheads would have some sympathy for being ostracized.
I went to church to give it and the people a chance but when your sermons are all about Muslim hate and outsiders how is a new person supposed to feel? At least maybe the church with all this hate speech is doing some good in the community. Uh no.Where is all the good you say you do? Weekly jesus pageants and bbqs don't cut it bro.