Jomal206 - First grow! Cross your fingers!!


Well-Known Member
jomal, looks to me that maybe you over watered them at one point because it definitely looks like a case of over watering, however now it sounds like you may be under watering, you don't want your meter at the lowest setting/point before watering again, 2 maybe 3 tops...

Transplant will do them good but watch the watering! good luck to you buddy..


Well-Known Member
And a few more. Thanks for the advice

I don't know what to do about the watering thing....seems really easy to give too much or too's always been 3 days from the start for I don't know

I didn't water them after the transplant, the soil was still a little moist from the last water. So I'll give it a day or two, give the new soil a good soak I guess and see what happens over the next week



Well-Known Member
You think I should water eh?

And when you say water, do you mean pour enough in until it drains from the bottom? Obviously not flushing, not that much water, but enough to completely saturate the soil?


Well-Known Member
the rooms looking nice, the plants are too.

i kind of have a problem with overwatering myself( so easy to do) and i too have a moisture meter, but im still fighting a ph problem so i dont which is worse flooding or nutrient lockout.

the roots do grow fast dont they? im still starting with clear pots (even though i shouldnt) i enjoy watching the roots take over. in fact i just rooted my very first clone and only realized this when i saw a root that pushed to the edge of the pot (mt dew bottle). after seeing the root i just wrapped the bottle(pot) in duct tape to block the light.

the yellowing doesnt look too bad on your plants but instead of offering you bad advise im just giving you none.

sorry i couldnt help you but id hate to be to blame for making things worse.

i think theyll be ok, but the pros might have a better idea

good luck, stinkin


Well-Known Member
Damn jomal, lots of work you did .. very cool, coming together nicely, was that mylar fussy or did it come together pretty smooth? you're plants are going to be blinded, speaking of, did you purchase a decent pair of shades?:mrgreen:

Go jomal!


Well-Known Member
LMAO yes I did get some shades from my girlfriend, I learned very quickly how bad it hurt my eyes to look at that!

Yes the mylar was fussy, I had to put it up by myself pretty much so that was hard. I think it's fine, it's not perfect but it get the job done.

I'm gonna hold out until tomorrow to water. I'll give them a good soak and hope they like their new pots!

Lowercase b

Active Member
the updated room looks very nice. I'm about just as far into my grow as you are, once they get bigger you will be able to water more often. be sure to keep us updated


Well-Known Member
I just watered my plants today after my transplant, came back to them a few hours later and all my perlite on the top of the soil is turning a yellow/golden color

WTF is going on here?!

Lowercase b

Active Member
How are your plants, that one looks okay, how bout the others, is it just the perlite on the surface, have you checked under the surface.


Well-Known Member
Well the perlite under the soil looks like it's still white

Maybe some weird reaction with the air and the moisture on the perlite?! I have no idea I know nothing about this LMAO


Well-Known Member
Strange, I've never seen that before, I have lots of perlite on the top of my soil, I'm thinking it should be ok but if it starts turning green than you may have something to worry about, how has your humidity been? humidity could be too high causing the discoloration, also could be a big factor as to how your plants are reacting..


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what the humidity is

I regularly keep the window open letting in fresh air, even at night. It's winter, so the humidity probably isn't bad outside....


Well-Known Member
It would probably be a good idea to get something to check the humidity, I got a device at walmart for 6 bux checks temp and hum, it was well worth the investment as one of my closets was causing algae in the soil from the humidity being up too high..

Something to think about!


Well-Known Member
Just checking back....things are really looking good over here

It seems as though my plants have gotten over whatever it was that was turning them yellow *Knock on wood LOL*

They're starting to really grow now, I started LST the other day. I'll do a little at a time and see how things go.....hopefully it's not too early but they seem to be handling it OK :)

Pics coming tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Day 16 pics

They're starting to smell yummy :) :)

I've got two that are looking really nice and full, the other is looking a little smaller with less bulk to the leaves. No big deal, just an observation I wanted to share

The yellow and burning leaves seemed to go away. The harmed leaves haven't gotten any better, but the new growth is staying green so that's a good sign!!! I think they just missed me over Thanksgiving Break :)

They're really adapating to their new home with the mylar and bigger pots. I think they're doing just great. Still no nutes, tough I implemented LST the other day. I'll slowly work them around the pot for a fuller veg

Thanks for all your support everyone, it's very much appreciated

